Items filtered by date: August 2020

Another from the Mill

A lot of effort with little reward was the story from the Ness town fishings today. But there was one happy angler, at least. Fishing the Mill Stream, Nick Barker had a fly-caught cock fish of around seven pounds, duly returned.

Pleased as punch: Nick Barker and netsman Ian Jennings in happy mood

River remains quiet

Catches are slow on the town fishings of the River Ness. Anglers are seeing few fish in the pools and even fewer at the end of their lines. A bit of fresh water could make a big difference.

But a few anglers beat the odds. Steve Watt landed a grilse from the tail of the Little Isle Pool and Ally Henderson had a cock fish of eight pounds. Frank Rabbeth had a grilse of over five pounds from the Weir Pool.

Lost a rod tube top…?

A screw-on top for a metal rod tube has been found at the Little Isle Pool on Inverness Angling Club’s fishings. The owner should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. giving a description of the top and arrangements will be made for its return.

Grilse catches continue

Three grilse catches were reported from the Ness club water today with two of the anglers involved increasing their tallies. James Buchanan had a five pounder on a Toby in the Silver Wells while Jordon Grant had a four pound sea iced grilse on a size eight Cascade from the General’s Well. Both were released.

Scott Kerr, a visitor from Dumfries, had a grilse of four pounds from the Mill Stream. He reported that it was in poor condition, although fresh, and it took some time to release. Derek Adamson, also visiting from Dumfries, says he had a "great day's fishing", seeing a few grilse in the Weir Pool and landing "three beautiful brownies". it just goes to show; the Ness is always worth a cast.

Success for Jimmy

Long term member Jimmy Craib landed his first fish of the season from the club water today. Fishing a minnow through the Weir Pool, he had a grilse of six pounds. Chris Bruce carried on catching with a bright four pound grilse from the stream above the Infirmary Bridge.

Nice one: A grilse for Jimmy

Catches continue

The Silver Wells Pool of the River Ness, running down the right bank below the Infirmary Bridge, is always good for a fish at this time of the year. And so it proved for Jordon Grant this morning. At the tail of the pool he landed a six pound hen fish which was safely returned. It was taken on a Cascade, a pattern that appears to serve Jordon well. But the MacIntyre Pool is also a good place to be at the moment. Chris Bruce continued his successful run there today with two grilse, weighing in at two and four pounds. Both were released.

Fish show but few takes

The early morning catch today was taken in the MacIntyre Pool by Gavin Mackie, a fly-caught grilse of five pounds safely released. In good overhead conditions, Chris Bruce worked his way downstream through the Leaven Trees Pool and was rewarded with a five pound grilse, duly released, from the Legion Pool. Don Mackay had a fish of eight pounds.

Bright sunshine in the afternoon could well have put fish off the take as no catch reports have come in so far, despite lots of fish showing in the MacIntyre and Mill Stream. But as the light waned after nine o'clock, Geoege MacDonald got a result on the middle beat of the Little Isle Pool - a cock fish of five pounds on a small Ness club fly.

Five fish today

Salmon and grilse keep coming on the club water of the River Ness, pushing the season’s reported catch up to 80.

James Emery had his first fish of the season from the MacIntyre Pool, a five pound grilse on a Red Francis. On the same pool, Lee Mackenzie had a good scrap from an eight pound salmon.

Up on the west bank of the Mill Stream, James Buchanan continued his successful run with a grilse of four pounds. For a change of scenery, Davie Dyce went for a cast on the General’s Well this evening - and landed two grilse within half an hour, weighing in at five and seven pounds and both released.

Catches exceed 2019 total

Reported catches on Inverness Angling Club’s pools have reached a total of 75 salmon and grilse - two more than the total for the entire 2019 season. And four club members who have made a significant contribution to that total were on the mark again today.

Fishing the Legion Pool below the main Ness bridge, Chris Bruce pulled four fish and landed one of 6.5 pounds. The Silver Wells produced another for Davie Dyce, a six pound hen fish on the fly, duly released. Neil Fraser released a six pound fish on the rght bank of the Little Isle. Kevin Elliott, a successful regular on the Weir Pool, moved down to the Mill Stream and landed and released a fly-caught grilse of five pounds.

Toby takes it

Donnie Urquhart was out on the Weir Pool sharp this morning and it paid off - an eight pound salmon taken on a Toby lure. A visit to the General’s Well also paid off for Nick Barker. He landed and released a 3.5 pound grilse on a size eight blue winged Cascade and lost another shortly after. Up on the MacIntyre Pool, Peter Easton had a five pound grilse on the fly, which he released.

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Inverness Angling Club

Ness Walk

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