Catch a bargain

2025 Permits

Grahams Tackle Shop is open for the purchase of club membership cards (only by cash or cheque) and tackle. In the event of further Covid-19 restrictions, which may cause shop closures, contact membership secretary Kevin Elliott for membership renewals. New members can apply by downloading and completing the appropriate application forms below. E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Alternatively, call 07572904953. Please don't call after 8 pm. Payments can be made by bank transfer. Details from Kevin Elliott.

IAC membership is open to adults and juniors (17 and under) living in the City of Inverness and the adjacent areas of Smithton, Culloden, Balloch and North Kessock. We also welcome associate members from outwith this area and enjoy the support of anglers from Aberdeenshire to Essex, Sutherland to Dorset and Kilmarnock to Kent.

Exchange permits and other fishings are also available to members, offering access to a variety of rivers and lochs in the Highlands and north-east of Scotland. See Fishing/Permits/Exchange. The club also offers the use of a boat on the famed Loch Ruthven trout fishery. See Fishing/Feisty trout

For visitors, the club offers day tickets which are available from Graham’s Tackle Shop in Castle Street, Inverness. Bookings can also be made through FishPal or by contacting an official of the club. Visitors can sign up for associate membership, which offers season-round fishing for considerably less than 4 daily permits.

Scottish law requires permits for game fishing, but a separate rod licence is not necessary.

Special fees for 2025

All current (2024) members can renew their membership for 2025 at Graham’s tackle shop. Please take your present membership card with you. Current associate members should renew directly with Kevin Elliott, membership secretary, Inverness Angling Club, 68 Ardbreck Place Inverness IV2 4QQ, sending a note with the appropriate fee. Contact Kevin Elliott for details on payment by bank transfer, Fees are:

Adult                           £110 (18 and over)

Intermediate               No longer available

Concession                £55 (at age 65 with 12 years unbroken adult membership) *

Junior                         Free (17 and under) - Collect permits from Graham's tackle shop. No application form is required.

Associate                   £110

Standard membership fees

New adult and associate members should apply to the membership secretary using the appropriate application form which can be downloaded using the links below.

Adult                           £110 (18 and over)   Download PDF file or Download Word file

Introductory                No longer applicable

Intermediate               No longer applicable

Associate                   £110  Download PDF file or Download Word File

* Adults meeting the qualifications for concessionary membership should apply to the membership secretary by signed letter, which must include their date of birth.

Day ticket fees 2025

February 1 to May 31, £25 per day,

June 1 to October 15, £35 per day,.

Juniors (17 and under) £10 per day all season.

Note: Visiting anglers seeking a week's fishing should take out associate membership at £110. This enables visitors to fish at any time during the season. Anglers fishing on day tickets must return all salmon and grilse.

Sea trout

IAC also offers a sea trout ticket at £20 per season. Fishing is limited to the estuary beat, from the Black Bridge to the sea.


The club has to meet heavy charges early each season so asks that membership should be renewed by March 31. In addition, it is legally bound to submit accurate catch returns for salmon and grilse at the end of the season. Consequently, it applies surcharges for late renewal of membership and failure to submit a catch return. These apply to all membership and permit categories (except junior) and to sea trout ticket holders.

No catch return received for 2024 - £20 added to appropriate fee. £5 for Sea Trout.

Late membership renewal from April 1 - £20 added to appropriate fee.


Inverness Angling Club

Ness Walk

Email Contact

Drop us an email and we'll respond to all inquiries as soon as possible.