News 2021
Temporary membership papers available
Membership secretary John Ralph has risen to the challenge of the unavoidable delay in securing club membership cards for 2022. John has produced temporary paper membership forms, along with rules and regulations, which are now available from Grahams tackle shop at the appropriate fee. This will enable families to buy permits for angling relatives as Christmas presents.
Fees for existing members remain the same as those for 2021. New members should apply to the membership secretary. Application details can be found on the web site by clicking the icon at the top right hand side of the home page, then clicking Fishing/Permits/River Ness Permits.
Temporary permits must be exchanged for full permits once these become available. Delivery will be advised through the web site news, so keep an eye on this page.
Permit production delayed
Inverness Angling Club regrets that permits for the 2022 season will not be available until late January. Normally, even on a very tight timescale, the club manages to make them available by December 15 so that members’ families may purchase them as Christmas presents.
There are a number of reasons for this year’s delay. First, the AGM — which determines the content of the permits — was delayed for a week as Covid-19 restrictions meant that the booked location could not take the usual attendance. The AGM took place in a different location on December 2. Covid-related restrictions are also causing severe delays in the delivery of the paper stock required for the permits. Further, we are closer to Christmas when company staff are on holiday.
Please keep a check on the web site news where we will keep members informed of the latest developments.
Poor catches
Catches of salmon and grilse were very poor during the 2021 season, just managing to reach a total of 50 — the lowest for some 20 years. Of these, 17 were salmon while 33 were grilse. The release rate was 76 per cent. Sea trout catches totalled 24 with 96 per cent released.
Membership holds up
Despite low catches, senior membership of Inverness Angling Club remained steady during the 2021 season. The total of 154 rose from 150 in the previous year and 128 in 2019.
Intermediates (age 18 to 20) were up to six, ladies remained at five and concessionary membership showed a slight fall to 44. The club attracted 45 associate members from all over the country, up from 33 in 2019. Junior membership (under 18) remains strong at 99. Day permit sales reached 220, a slight fall on the previous year.
AGM fails to get quorum!
There was a disappointing end to the formal year of Inverness Angling Club. Just 17 members attended the annual general meeting on Thursday (December 2) — a key date in the club’s diary.
There were potential reasons, of course. The meeting had been scheduled for the previous Thursday evening and the usual venue, Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall, had been booked. But the day before the meeting, the club was advised that Covid regulations would limit attendance to just 20 — when 40 to 50 members were expected. The meeting was rescheduled for December 2 in the Merkinch Community Centre and advised to members through the web site in the normal way.
With the constitution setting a quorum of 25 for all general meetings, no formal business could be conducted. Existing members of the committee will continue, along with co-opted members, until the next AGM in November 2022. The committee will be led by president Bill Byers with the assistance of Steve Watt as vice president, James Emery as secretary and John Ralph as treasurer and membership secretary. Committee members are Donny Allan, Tony Quinn, John Sutherland, Chris Bruce, Lawrence Deans and Harry Fraser, along with co-opted members Donny Mackay, Martin Ross, Eric Macleay and Graham MacKenzie.
Award recalls first catches
A trophy presentation by Inverness Angling Club today (December 4) paid tribute to the achievements of a late member and a current member who both met the challenge of catching the first salmon of the season on the city waters of the River Ness.
The late Derek Proctor, a club member for over 40 years, caught the first salmon of the season in 2017. His feat was recalled as his son, Richard, presented the Corrie Horne Trophy to Donnie Mackay, who landed the first salmon of the 2021 season on July 14.
Achievement: Richard Proctor (left) presents the Corrie Horne Trophy to Donnie Mackay.
Looking on is club vice-president Steve Watt
AGM rearranged
The AGM of Inverness Angling Club, postponed from Thursday because of attendance limits on its usual meeting place, will be held in the Merkinch Community Centre in Coronation Park, Inverness IV3 8AD, next Thursday, December 2. As previously advised, members attending the meeting should bring a mask and register from 7pm. The meeting will start at 7.30 pm prompt.
AGM postponed
Inverness Angling Club has postponed its annual general meeting, scheduled for Thursday evening (November 25) in Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall. It transpires that Covid restrictions in the hall require two metre distancing, which limits meetings to 20 — about half the expected attendance of members. Officials are seeking an alternative meeting place which could accommodate some 40 people. An announcement will be made as soon as possible.
Proposals for AGM
Members attending Thursday’s annual general meeting of Inverness Angling Club are advised to bring a mask and register from 7pm. The meeting, in Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall, will start at 7.30 pm prompt. The following proposals will be presented for consideration:
1 To amend item 3.6 of the constitution to read: “Honorary members will have full voting powers at AGMs and SGMs but will not be entitled to hold office in the club, other than honorary positions. Junior and associate members will not be entitled to hold office in the club or to vote at meetings.” Proposed by the committee.
2 To amend item 5.1 of the constitution to read: “A committee of 12 will consist of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, membership secretary and committee members elected at AGM”. Proposed by the committee.
3 To add item 5.1.1 to the constitution: “New and retiring officers, and committee members, will be elected or re-elected by the AGM on written nomination forms, available from the secretary, signed by the nominee, proposer and seconder and submitted to the secretary 10 clear days before the meeting. Proposed by J.Emery.
A reward richly deserved
Those who fish the city waters of the River Ness owe much to a small band of volunteers who willingly take responsibility for managing the affairs of Inverness Angling Club. Along with the assistance of other club members, most are always there when work needs done — clearing banks, trimming trees, coaching the young and not-so-young….and much more.
The weight of that responsibility tends to lie mostly on the shoulders of club office bearers, who are not often recognised for the many hours they invest in keeping the club going. But one of them was rewarded today for his work over the past year.
President Bill Byers presented John Ralph with the Angler of the Year Trophy in recognition of his work as treasurer and membership secretary throughout 2021. Bill paid tribute to John’s commitment to maintaining the club’s finances and the timely distribution of member and visitor permits.
Thanks John: President Bill Byers (left) presents the Angler of the Year Trophy to John Ralph
AGM plans
Arrangements are well in hand for the annual general meeting of Inverness Angling Club at 7.30 pm on Thursday, November 25.
The meeting will be held in Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall where Covid precautions will be applied. Registration will be at the main entrance where members should maintain an appropriate distance apart and use the available sanitiser. Masks should be warn on arrival and while moving within the building, but can be removed when seated.
Motions for the AGM must be submitted by Monday (November 15). These will be posted here from November 19 for the consideration of members prior to the meeting.
Year’s catch reaches 50
A day return by a visitor to Inverness Angling Club’s fishings has finally pushed the salmon and grilse catch for 2021 up to 50. But it still represents the lowest catch on the club water since 1999 when 42 salmon were landed. The catch was a 9.5 lb salmon landed and released by Mr R Conroy on Saturday, October 2.
AGM approaches
The annual general meeting of Inverness Angling Club will take place in Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall on Thursday, November 25, at 7.30 pm.
Notices of motion intended to be submitted to the meeting must be made in writing and signed by the member giving the notice. They should delivered to the interim secretary, James Emery, 70 Kessock Road, Inverness IV3 8AJ 10 clear days before the date of the meeting, ie by Monday, November 15.
Last chance for annual catch returns
Inverness Angling Club members and associates are reminded that the final date for the submission of annual catch returns was October 23. Late returns may be sent to James Emery, interim secretary, 70 Kessock Road, Inverness IV3 8AJ.
It should be noted that the the inclusion of fishing effort is a Scottish Government requirement.
Guide to online annual catch returns
Some IAC members are mistakenly using the online in-season catch return to make their annual return of catches.
When making annual catch returns through the club web site, members should go to the home page of the site and click on the menu icon in the top right hand corner. This will display a range of options..
Click on Fishing and choose Annual catch/effort return. Follow the instructions, which will take you to the returns form, and complete the required detail. Once complete, save and e-mail to the listed address.
Season closes at 21 year low
That’s it for another season. The search for salmon proved fruitless for many during 2021, leading to one of the lowest catch returns for decades.
The final count closed at a hugely disappointing 49. The club water, traditionally the most productive of the Ness beats, would normally expect to produce anything from 200 to 400 salmon and grilse.
Discussions will continue as to the reasons why — the long spell of low water at higher temperatures and lower angling effort. But we’ve been here before. While 2021 records the lowest catch in 21 years, catches have been even lower in a number of seasons. Club records since 1934 show that catches fell below 48 on seven occasions between 1934 and 1955 before soaring to 374 and above from 1956.
The trend continued in the 60s, 70s and 80s, recording just one season of 52 in 1968. Catches in these years regularly yielded 200 to 400 fish, with over 500 fish on six occasions.
While the new century brought some leaner years, catches continued to total anything from 200 to 500 fish per season. Catches have fallen from a high of 239 since 2015 — the most recent being 73 in 2019 and 170 in 2020.
The fortunes of the Ness reflect falling catches on most salmon rivers in Scotland. But anglers are the proverbial optimists. We will be looking forward to a new season in which our search for the stunning Salmo Salar will meet greater success.
Arts scheme attracts damaging interest
The ‘My Ness’ arts scheme — or ‘Not My Ness’ according to many — is attracting interest for more than the ‘right’ reasons.
As anglers arrived at the Little Isle Pool this morning (Thursday) they found more graffiti spelling out a ‘Legalise cannabis’ message at the end of the wall. Evidently, some person or persons with a habit has nothing more constructive to do with their time. IAC representatives have reported the damage to Highland Council.
And the section of the wall in front of the anglers’ hut has suffered damage caused by the pedals of bikes as their riders leap over a gap designed to give angers access to the river from the hut.
Damage: 'My Ness' attracts 'negative' interest
Club loses long serving member
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of dedicated Inverness Angling Club member Derek Proctor. A member if the club for over 40 years, he won the Carrie Horne Trophy in 2017 for catching the first salmon of the season.
Derek served as a biomedical scientist in haematology for 40 years until retiring early due to ill health. He was a popular angler on the River Ness where he tended to favour the Weir Pool and the Mill Stream, and caught his fair share of salmon and grilse.
Derek passed way on Wednesday (October 6) at the age of 67. He will be sorely missed by his fellow anglers who pass on their deepest sympathies to his family — partner Myra, daughter Karen, son Richard, brother Raymond and seven grand children.
Dedicated: Derek pictured on the west bank if the Mill Stream
Another for Donald
The Red Braes, always a ‘go to’ pool in the autumn, has delivered again. Donald Macpherson Jnr had another there today — a four pound cock fish which had been in the river for three or four weeks. It was attracted by a size 10 Cascade and safely released.
Running total at 7 October: 49 salmon/grilse
‘My Ness’ prepares for opening
Construction of the controversial ‘My Ness’ art scheme has finally finished. Today, contractors Simpsons of Beauly were clearing the site and cleaning the wall in preparation for an expected formal opening by The Highland Council.
The project was designed as ‘riverside art’ which would give people a greater connection with the river. Clearly, authorities are concerned that the connection could be taken a bit more literally. A sign has been erected warning people of the potential dangers of the deep and fast water flowing past and underneath the point of the wall which juts over the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness.
Anglers are very much aware of the dangers. The river has risen from low to moderate level following recent rain and made it somewhat difficult to wade past the point of the wall. It will be interesting to see what impact much higher winter levels will have on the wall and its square-ended supports, the pool’s once attractive gravel beach and on the freshly laid banking and grass turf below the anglers’ hut.
Wet wall: It looks slippy!
Take care: A warning for the public
Impressed?: "Underwhelmed" was the comment of one passer by!
Success for James
James Emery has put in a fair number of hours on the river this season, and his efforts were rewarded today. Fishing the tail of the MacIntyre Pool, near Charlie’s Seat, he landed a cock salmon of nine pounds on a silver Toby.
Running total at 5 October: 48 salmon/grilse
Colouring up: And preparing for spawning
Autumn catches
An early start proved worthwhile today for a frequent visitor to Inverness Angling Club’s beats. Ian Jennings, who hails from Wolverhampton, took to the spinning rod in the higher water, landing and releasing one fish.
But the fly, worked through the Red Braes Pool, brought success for Donald Macpherson junior. He caught and released a seven pound hen fish whose colour showed that it had been in the river for several weeks.
Running total at 4 October: 47 salmon/grilse
Alex takes gold at Braes
The Red Braes Pool is a good cast for autumn fish. And it was looking in fine trim today as recent rain had produced the best water conditions for weeks, if not months.
The tail of the pool, near the pass, proved to be just the spot for club member Alex Evans. Alternating between fly and spinner, Alex landed and released this good looking, but coloured, nine pound cock fish on a black and gold Toby just after six in the evening.
Running total at 29 September: 45 salmon/grilse
Braes success: Higher water helps produce a fish for Alex
Returns boxes placed
Boxes for Inverness Angling Club’s annual catch returns have now been placed in Graham’s tackle shop in Castle Street, Pringles at Holm Woollen Mills (at the whisky counter) and the Crazy Golf Hut at the Bught. Returns can also be submitted online through the club’s web site.
All members and associates are required to submit an annual return of salmon, grilse and sea trout caught and released — including nil returns and fishing effort. They must be received no later than October 23. Late returns are subject to a penalty of £20 on next year’s permits.
Luck of the Irish!
With fish very hard to come by, the determination of an Irish visitor brought some success to Inverness Angling Club’s beats today.
Seamus Joy, visiting from County Waterford, kept casting through the day and finally made a connection at seven o’clock in the evening. He landed and released a five pound hen fish caught on a tube fly.
Running total at 25 September: 44 salmon/grilse
Winter trout league
Achagour Fishery is launching a winter trout league from October in which anglers will compete monthly until the spring.
Fishery owner Cindy Auger is inviting IAC members and associates to sign up for the competition, which will be similar to the successful league run by club members for over 10 years.
Cindy hopes that the competition will attract many of those who fished the earlier league, and develop the same spirit of friendly competition among regional anglers. Interested anglers can sign up by contacting Cindy on 07835 025833.
Screw outlets revealed
Piles have been removed from the river bed at The Highland Council’s Archimedes Screw hydro project under construction at Whin Park. They reveal the outlets of the twin screws which are designed to produce some 92kW of electricity.
The outlets run at 45 degrees to the west bank of the River Ness, raising some concerns about the impact of the flow on the Mill Stream Pool and anglers. The club has requested a site meeting in order to see and learn more about the project, and to allay anglers’ fears.
The £2.5 million project is being part-funded by the Scottish Government through Salix Finance, a government-funded organisation that allocates finance to the public sector to improve energy efficiency.
Hydro project: Completion is scheduled for the spring of 2022
And from the bridge: Picture by James Emery
Long wait for fish
It’s been another long wait for a catch on the club water. The last salmon was landed on September 14, some 10 days after the previous catch. But Ally Henderson broke the cycle today with a fine five pound grilse from the McIntyre Pool, taken on the worm.
Running total at 20 September: 43 salmon/grilse
Club requires annual returns
With the close of the season fast approaching, Inverness Angling Club will be placing annual catch return boxes in Pringles at Holm Woollen Mills, Graham’s tackle shop in Castle Street and in the Crazy Golf hut at the Bught.
Rule 5.4 of the club’s constitution and rules specifies: “All permit holders are required to submit an annual return of catches, on the card attached to the permit. This should include nil returns and fishing effort in days per month. Alternatively, returns can be submitted online through the club’s web site.
“These annual returns must be received no later than October 23. Failure to comply will incur an additional charge, currently £20, when renewing a permit in the subsequent year.”
Due to ongoing Covid restrictions, the club has decided to cancel its end of season BBQ.
IAC seeks visit to hydro project
Sheet piling inserted into the bed of the River Ness to facilitate the construction of the Archimedes Screw hydro project will be removed in the coming weeks.
The contractor is in discussions with Sepa and Highland Council have assured fishing interests that the agreed method statements for the removal will be adhered to. Meantime, temporary improvements to the existing damaged smolt run have been completed.
Bill Byers, interim president of Inverness Angling Club, revealed that the club is seeking a site meeting to get an overview of what to expect on the completion of the project.
“We want to see the full repair of the smolt pass and the inclusion of a salmon pass in the construction. Finally, we need to glean any information as to the impact of the scheme on the Mill Stream beat of the river.”
Threat to the Mill Stream?: Highland Council's Archimedes Screw hydro project
Road closures for Baxters Marathon
The Baxters Loch Ness Marathon and Festival of Running will take place on Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3. It will involve some restrictions on anglers using Bught Road.
Significant logistics movements in and around the Little Isle car park on Wednesday, September 29, will mean that club members should use the RNI car park wherever possible.
Disabled members, and those with limited mobility, will be given access towards the Little Isle car park — via Ballifeary Road and the Ness walk junction roundabout — on production of their club membership card and disability pass. Depending on weather, they will be be able to park on the Bught Park, opposite the Little Isle car park.
From 1330 hours on Friday, October 1, and all day Saturday, October 2, stewards will be briefed to give anglers access to the Little Isle car park. Again, access will be via Ballifeary Road and the Ness Walk junction roundabout, and club permits should be shown. For logistical and safety reasons the road closure will continue to mid-day on Monday, October 4.
Club catches face 21-year low
Meagre water levels and a dearth of salmon have seen catches stuck at 41 for the season from Inverness Angling Club’s River Ness beats. But the first fish for 10 days finally came to the rod of Davie Dyce today — a sea liced grilse of five pounds from the Mill Stream.
With just four weeks and three days to the end of the season on October 15, anglers will be hoping for more to come. Otherwise, the club could be facing its worst season since 2000.
Running total at 14 September: 42 salmon/grilse
Bench rumour scotched
When a rather tired bench was replaced on the west bank of the Mill Stream, rumours spread that was installed at the direction of a lady who liked to spend some time there.
But the rumours had no basis in fact. The truth is that the new bench was installed by club member Chris Murchison and his retired carpenter friend, Jimmy Dingwall.
Chris says: “Although retired, Jimmy likes to be doing things, so replacing a rather broken down seat gave both of us something to do before the salmon season got under way.”
Since it was installed, the bench has been much appreciated by local and visiting anglers. And it has also been well used by the general public who stroll up the riverside from the nearby Whin Island play park.
‘Croys’ create hazards
Safety is paramount where anglers are pursuing their favourite sport. That’s why Inverness Angling Club frowns upon attempts to build so-called ‘croys’ on its beats.
In low water conditions such as those being experienced just now, it’s tempting to build such structures. But their builders totally ignore the potential impact when river levels rise. They become a serious threat to safety, posing unexpected hazards to wading anglers.
Hazard: Now you see it!
Now you don't
Effort rewarded
Donnie Cameron has worked hard for his fish on the club water of the River Ness. And his efforts proved productive again today, landing his third fish of the season. This one came from the east side of the MacIntyre Pool — a six pound cock fish tempted, once again, by his favourite half-inch Cascade tube.
Running total at 4 September: 41 salmon/grilse
Success for two
It’s been a quiet week on the club beats of the Ness following two fish landed on Monday. But Steve Black showed that fish were still around with a sparkling eight pounder from the top of the Mill Stream. It was taken on a Roncade — a Cascade variant tied by Ronnie Fraser. Martin Nelson was in luck on the MacIntyre in late afternoon, landing and retaining a five pound cock fish.
Running total at 3 September: 40 salmon/grilse
One of the few?: But delight for Steve
Fishery board seeks new director
The Ness District Salmon Fishery Board has confirmed it is seeking a river director/chief executive following the resignation of Chris Conroy. Full details can be viewed at https://ness.dsfb.org.uk/vacancy-river-director-chief-executive
Following concerns about falling catches, the board plans to invite key proprietors to a Ness system briefing meeting to discuss the current status of salmon populations. It will cover the key pressures salmon face together with likely impacts and associated management actions, and board funding requirements.
Chris will present a summary of the situation as he sees it, supported by other experts.
Week starts well
Compared to last week’s poor returns, Monday began well for anglers on the club beats of the River Ness. Donnie Mackay got his second of the season — an eight pound cock salmon from the Little Isle hot spot opposite the outlet of the Aultnaskiach Burn. It was attracted by a Red Frances, skilfully netted by Donnie Cameron and released.
Just after mid day, and further up river, Davey Dyce put on the ‘garden fly’ and enticed a six pounder from the MacIntyre Pool. It was safely released.
Running total at 30 August: 38 salmon/grilse
Frank lands first of the week
The dearth of salmon this season was underlined today with only one catch report being submitted — the first for the entire week. The lucky angler was Frank Durdle. Fishing the MacIntyre Pool he landed and kept a salmon of just under eight pounds. It was taken on a Cuileag, a fly that Frank tied many years ago.
Running total at 28 August: 36 salmon/grilse
Trophy for John - finally!
The Covid pandemic put a stop to many day-to-day activities. Only recently have there been gradual steps towards normal. For Inverness Angling Club’s interim president Bill Byers this meant he was able to make a long-delayed presentation of the Corrie Horne Trophy for the first salmon caught in 2020. The fish was an 18lb specimen taken on the Weir Pool by associate member John Mallin of Dulnain Bridge.
Trophy for John: Better late than never
Gary nets it!
Inverness Angling Club’s web site has shown its value once again! When James Emery left his expensive Maclean net at the Mill Stream the other day, he asked the web editor to post a piece about its loss, offering a reward.
Lo and behold — club member Gary Goddard traced the angler, Hugh Hutton, who had picked up the net for safe keeping. It has since been returned to a grateful James who is arranging for rewards of Graham’s vouchers for each angler.
Net left at Mill
Interim secretary James Emery has issued an appeal to anglers who fish the Mill Stream on the west side of the River Ness. He left his Maclean salmon net there after fishing and hopes one of the other anglers around at the time has picked it up. A SUV was in the area at the time with the registration suffix FLY. James is offering a reward for the net’s safe return. He can be contacted on 07798 922140.
Habit forming
Just one fish was reported from the club water today — and it was that man again. Chris Bruce landed a bright grilse form the General’s Well Pool. And he seems to be making a habit of catching fish at 5.5lbs!
Running total at 21 August: 35 salmon/grilse
Weir delivers two
Many members of Inverness Angling Club are seeking their first salmon of the season as the number of fish coming into the River Ness appears to be unusually low for the time of year.
Nevertheless, Paul Owen broke his duck today on the Weir Pool, landing a six pound hen fish on the worm. It was hooked in the mouth and safely returned. The Weir also delivered more for hard-fishing Chris Bruce — another 5.5lb grilse.
Running total at 20 August: 34 salmon/grilse
Another for Chris
Just one catch was reported from the club water of the River Ness today. Chris Bruce increased his tally with a 5.5lb grilse from the Little Isle Pool.
Running total at 17 August: 32 salmon/grilse
Monday makes good start
Today didn't quite make the total of the first day of last week, when 10 fish were landed, but did fairly well with five fish.
Walter Mackay paid a successful visit to the top of the Weir Pool, reporting one seven pound grilse taken on an Aurora shrimp fly fished on a full floating line. Walter appreciated the assistance of Mel Smith in landing the fish which was covered in sea lice and safely released. Paul Kelly was also in luck, landing a fish of eight pounds
It was the popular local salmon fly, the Ness C, that produced a fish for Ally Henderson - a grilse of five pounds form the east side of the Mill Stream. Down on the MacIntyre Pool, associate member James Buchanan, who hails from Kirkintilloch, used a trusty spinner to attract and keep a seven pound cock fish.
Donnie Cameron's Cascade tube fly, which brought him a fish on Saturday, worked for him again, attracting a four pound grilse from the General's Well Pool.
Running total at 16 August: 31 salmon/grilse
The ups and downs of salmon fishing
Long term club member Jimmy Craib got his season off to a flying start today. Fishing the Mill Stream, he landed a fresh 3.5lb grilse. It was taken on the ever-popular Cascade fly and safely returned.
Perseverance paid off for Donnie Cameron. A regular at the Little Isle, Donnie moved down to the Infirmary Stream where well oxygenated water has produced grilse for several club members. He landed and released a five pound cock fish, using a half inch Cascade tube fly.
The past week has been a strange one on the club water, starting with 10 fish landed on Monday then declining to ones, twos or blanks in following days. Hopefully, coming weeks will be more consistent.
Running total on 14 August: 26 salmon/grilse
Malcolm strikes again
Inverness Angling Club’s beats have been relatively quiet since the ten-fish catch of Monday. But anglers are still out on the river, looking to connect with a lively grilse or a heavyweight salmon.
Malcolm Riddell, one of Monday’s lucky anglers, showed that fish are still moving into the river — landing and releasing a sea-liced grilse of four pounds, his second of the season. And the experience of Andy Massari helped him to land an eight pound cock salmon on a Devon minnow at the Little Isle Pool.
It was a 'red letter day' for young member Maddex Reid as he caught his first ever salmon, landed around 6 pm in the General's Well Pool. The grilse of just under five pounds was taken on a blue and silver Toby.
Running total at 12 August: 24 salmon/grilse
In the pink….!
Peter Easton didn’t exactly get the catch of his life at the Mill Stream today, but he did land a pink salmon - one of the unwanted humpbacks which have migrated to Scottish rivers from the northern regions of Norway.
It was the first pinkie of the season from the club water and the second from the Ness this year. It was attracted by one of Peter’s favoured Devon minnows - a black and pink. Davie Dyce is unlikely to let him forget this for a long time….!
The catch was reported to the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board and collected by head bailiff John McColl for examination and disposal.
Peter's pinkie: Hopefully, one of the few to enter the Ness this year
Ness to remain at Grade 2
Following an assessment of the conservation status of salmon in inland waters, Marine Scotland has published proposed gradings for 2022.
Under these proposals, the River Ness will remain at the 2021 level of Grade 2. This stipulates that management action is necessary to reduce exploitation — catch and release should be promoted strongly in the first instance while the need for mandatory catch and release will be reviewed annually.
Full details are available on the Marine Scotland website at: www.gov.scot/publications/salmon-fishing-proposed-river-gradings-for-2022-season
Representations or objections in respect of the proposals must be submitted no later than Friday, September 10, 2021 by e-mail to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Busy beats produce blanks
Following Monday’s rush of catches, when 10 salmon and grilse were landed on the club water, the beats were busy on Tuesday — but delivered blanks for all.
Happily, Davie Dyce got things back on track early on Wednesday, with a 3.5lb grilse landed and released at the Little Isle. Chris Bruce followed that with a six pounder from the MacIntyre and a five pounder from the Infirmary Stream, both released.
Running total on 11 August: 21 salmon/grilse
Club catches continue
While not quite a ‘Thumper’, John Sutherland did well this morning to land a five pound grilse from the Mill Stream. The fish was attracted by a Cascade variant and safely released. Up on the Weir Pool, Davie Dyce enjoyed landing and releasing a fly-caught grilse of a similar weight — the first of his season’s tally. He increased that a little later, landing and keeping an eight pound salmon from the Mill Stream.
Malcolm Riddell was another happy member today with a 3.5lb grilse, but gave no further information. Mike Campbell made a successful return to the river, christening a new rod with a grilse of 5.5lbs. It was taken in the Mill Stream on his favourite fly, the Frances.
Other successful anglers were Brian McBain, with a five pound grilse from the MacIntyre; Kevin Macdonald, with three fish — a five pound grilse retained and fish of seven and three pounds returned; and Peter Easton.
(Running total at 9 August -- 18 salmon and grilse)
Tight lines for two
The Weir Pool produced another salmon this morning — a fine specimen of over seven pounds duly released to continue its spawning run. The lucky angler was club member Michael Thomson who submitted this picture of his catch. Meanwhile, down on the Little Isle Pool, Chris Bruce added to his tally — landing and releasing a seven pound fish, his fourth of the season.
Pictures of catches are always welcome for use in the club web news pages. It would be helpful if they could be taken in landscape format (ie with phone held horizontally). The format makes are a better fit for the web page layout and improves their impact.
A cracker!: First of the season for Michael
Duggie does it
Dyce is a name inextricably linked to the catching of salmon on the River Ness. And the tradition continued today as Duggie Dyce landed and released a fly-caught grilse of six pounds at the Little Isle Pool.
Looking for these?
Having difficulty reading or looking for that elusive salmon? Then this could be the answer. A pair of spectacles has been found at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness. They are in the safe keeping of interim president Bill Byers who can be contacted by telephone at the number listed in the club membership card.
Lost specs: Found at the Little Isle
Chris connects
Numbers of salmon finally may have arrived on Inverness Angling Club’s beats. Chris Bruce, who accounted for one good fish towards the end of last month, was in the right place at the right time again today.
Fishing the Weir Pool, he landed and released a grilse of 6.5 pounds and a very small fish of two pounds. And that wasn’t all. He hooked and lost three fish to make it a very satisfying outing.
Peter picks the spot
The Mill Stream is always a pleasant place for a cast on Inverness Angling Club’s River Ness beat. And that was where Peter Easton scored success today, landing and releasing a cock fish of eight pounds.
Chris makes two
They have been a while coming but Chris Bruce landed the second salmon from Inverness Angling Club’s beats today (July 24).
With loads of sunshine and no rain, conditions are hardly at their best for salmon fishing. But Chris managed to land a five pound grilse from the Infirmary stream, duly released.
While rain is forecast for next week, it will take a lot to make any difference to the level of Loch Ness, which has a huge influence on the level of the river. But salmon continue to run the river, demonstrated by catches at Dochfour where 12 were landed this week to raise the total so far to 61.
A good start: Chris with his bright grilse
Contamination confirms anglers’ concerns
Fears of many anglers concerned by construction projects on the banks of the River Ness were realised today (July 23).
The west side of the river was contaminated when the silt curtain at the Archimedes Screw construction site at the top of the Mill Stream burst. Anglers fear for the health of young fish as this area holds a high proportion of salmon fry and parr.
Steve Watt, temporary vice president of Inverness Angling Club, has made a formal complaint to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa). It is understood that the agency has arranged for an officer to inspect the site and the contaminated area. The Ness District Salmon Fishery Board (NDSFB) has also been informed of the incident.
Steve explained: “This is what anglers have feared since the start of construction projects by the stretch of river we manage on behalf of Inverness Common Good Fund. There’s been lots of talk about art and the production of cheap power but, it seems, little thought about the very special environment of our riverside and the fish it breeds.”
Mucky waters: The contamination reaches the General's Well Pool
Contractors move waterline fencing
For the first time for a while, there’s good news from the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness — site of the controversial construction of the ‘My Ness’ art scheme.
The fencing along the riverside is being moved back 15 to 20 feet from the waterline to allow anglers to fish down the length of the construction site. But the point of the wall may prove an obstruction when river levels rise.
The move comes at the time Inverness Angling Club members would expect more activity with the arrival of Ness salmon and grilse. Traditionally, Ness stocks arrived in mid-July but recent years have seen runs delayed for a few weeks.
Committee acts to fill positions
The committee of Inverness Angling Club has made three temporary appointments to fill positions left vacant by recent resignations.
Current vice president Bill Byers will become temporary president, Steve Watt will be temporary vice president and James Emery will step in as temporary secretary.
Bill Byers explained: “These posts will only be to the end of the season, or until we can convene an annual general meeting or special general meeting. We are down to a committee of 12 but effectively 11 as Billy Orrock is now resident in Orkney.”
Report catches and stay informed
With the main part of the River Ness salmon season fast approaching, and the first fish safely landed, it’s time to remind all anglers of the need to make prompt returns of their catches. Club rules specify that all salmon and grilse catches should be registered within 24 hours. But it would enable club members, and visitors, to stay informed if reports could be made on the day of the catch.
There are two ways to submit reports — through the club web site or by phone as specified in permits. The preferred method is via the club web site. Catch details are automatically copied to those responsible for daily web site news, weekly reports to FishPal and for mandatory record keeping. Telephone reports have to be physically copied to others, involving a lot of time
It’s easy to report online by mobile phone or computer. Access the club web site at www.invernessanglingclub.co.uk, (even easier if you’ve added this to your browser favourites), scroll down the Home Page, click on Report Catch, complete the form and click Send. You can easily add a picture (landscape preferred) which we are always happy to receive and use.
Tight lines to all!
Salmon survey results
The Ness District Salmon Fishery Board (NDSFB) has published initial results from this year’s River Ness mainstem juvenile salmon surveys, taken on sites increased from three to 10,
The ratio of fry (0+ year old) to parr (1+ year old) densities varied from site to site with the given habitat. Despite a decline in rod catch, juvenile populations seem to be relatively healthy and as expected. Average fry density from the sites was 185 per 100m2 while average parr density was 51 per 100m2.
The full report on the surveys can be viewed at https://ness.dsfb.org.uk/news
First of the year for club water
Donnie Mackay has put in a lot of hours on the club water of the River Ness this year. And he got due reward for his efforts today (July 14) with a cock fish of 5.25 lbs from the top of the Little Isle Pool.
The fish was attracted by a Red Frances — a fly that has proved increasingly popular, and successful, on the Ness in recent years. The fly was a gift from vice president Bill Byers.
Donnie was delighted with his catch but disappointed that he could not release it to continue its journey upstream. He said: “I tried to return it but it flicked its tail and went belly up. All efforts to revive it failed and it was humanely dispatched.”
Resignation blows for IAC committee
Alex Elliott, president of Inverness Angling Club, has stepped down from his post, with immediate effect. He said that his decision had been made for personal reasons, with great regret.
“The club and its fishings have given me great pleasure over many years,” said Alex, “and I wish it and its members all the best for the future.”
It has emerged that two other members of the committee, Tracy Stronach and Kevin Elliott, have also resigned. These follow the recent resignation of the club secretary, Graham Forbes, who felt that his work commitments meant he could no longer devote the time required to meet the needs of the club.
The resignations reduce the normally 16-strong committee to 12. These include the remaining office bearers, vice president Bill Byers and treasurer and membership secretary John Ralph.
‘My Ness’……?
Not for most: Intrusive ‘art’ at the Little Isle
Council gives parking guidance
In a further effort to secure parking arrangements to improve river access for IAC members, president Alex Elliott and vice president Bill Byers have had lengthy discussions with Inverness city manager David Haas and Shane Manning, traffic manager for Inverness.
Shane Manning indicated that side streets leading to Huntly Street had parking available while Gilbert Street, just below the Friar’s Bridge, had unrestricted parking only a short walk under the bridge to the Friar’s Shott.
Parking at Bellfield Park was also discussed and Shane confirmed that parking could be obtained from the parking meters at a cost of £1 for two hours and £2 for a period of four hours. He also explained that parking at meters could be paid for by using the mobile app RingGo.
Club secretary stands down
Inverness Angling Club has confirmed that its secretary, Graham Forbes, has stood down from his post, with immediate effect. An increase in professional work commitments means that Graham feels he can no longer provide the time required to meet the needs of the club.
President Alex Elliott said: “Graham stepped in to help the club at an important time and has made a major contribution to the management of the club’s affairs. His efforts have been very much appreciated and we wish him well in his professional and family life.
“While it is not always appreciated, managing the affairs of the club involves a significant commitment of personal time by those who volunteer for the crucial posts as office bearers. The current committee will continue to manage club activities until the election of office bearers at the AGM in November.”
Habitat study moves to club water
Specialists will begin an examination of Inverness Angling Club beats of the River Ness later this month as part of the ‘River Ness Habitat Restoration Feasibility Study’ commissioned by the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board.
Local company CBEC Eco-engineering will be looking to target habitat improvements that could help restore the quality and quantity of available habitat, and increase salmon recruitment.
Anglers are advised that operations will include the use of a boat to study the river from the Holm Weir to the sea. Work will start in the week beginning July 19, subject to weather and water conditions.
The full report on the study, which is being funded by the Ness & Beauly Fisheries Trust, is expected in December of this year.
Hut opening demands ‘ill thought out'
Social media demands that Inverness Angling Club should re-open its huts on the River Ness are “ill thought out and show no consideration for the health and safety of members”, says president Alex Elliott.
“Everyone can see the very strict measures being taken in all indoor spaces that are allowed to open under current conditions. The club would have to do the same. In fact, given the small size of our huts any measures we could take would have to be even more strict.
“This would mean a seriously deep clean before we could open any of our three huts. But the process wouldn’t finish there. Strict sanitation would have to continue. We could only allow one person into a hut at any one time, sanitation would have to be repeated after each individual left and before anyone else could be allowed in.”
Alex underlined that it was a totally different matter in huts on private beats where very small numbers of anglers could be suitably managed by ghillies.
He added: “The club is not prepared to take any risks with the health of our members or visitors. Consequently, the huts will remain closed until national rules are such that the club committee deems it safe to consider re-opening.”
Power piling begins
The environment of the River Ness is experiencing the start of further permanent change this week. Piles are being hammered into the riverside at the top of the Mill Stream Pool in preparation for the construction of the Archimedes power project.
The twin-screw 92Kw power scheme, conceived by Highland Council, is due for completion in March of next year with the majority of river works completed before the end of this year. The project will incorporate a visitor centre which the council forecasts will attract over 40,000 visitors a year.
Piling begins: Bank works at the top of the Mill Stream
Ness stock levels remain high
A team from the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board (NDSFB) have been out on the River Ness in the last couple of days completing one of their regular fish stock surveys.
Once again, electro fishing has shown high levels of young salmon stock at four sites, including two on the Inverness Angling Club beats — at the top of the west side of the Mill Stream and just above the Little Isle Pool.
Further information will be available once the fisheries team completes a full analysis of the exercise.
Dedicated team: Board director Chris Conroy (left) at the top of the Little Isle Pool
with fisheries officer Chris Daphne (right) and fisheries assistant Fiona Stephen
Good stock: A mix of one and two year old salmon parr are measured for analysis
Achonachie lifts restrictions
Stephen Dowds, chairman of Loch Achonachie Angling Club, confirms that Covid-19 restrictions applied to their waters will be lifted from July 1.
Members will be able to buy visitor tickets for guests they wish to take out fishing, and visitors to the area will be able to buy permits at Contin Filling Station. Restrictions in place at the filling station have to be followed at all times.
But David warns: “This lifting comes at a time when, although very many have been vaccinated, there is a significant rise in cases of the Delta variant of the virus, including in people who have been double vaccinated. Safety in all things including fishing is therefore still essential.”
He reminds all members that they must book beats on the rivers at all times, report all salmon catches, be aware of all club rules and carry their permit card with them when fishing.
Stay safe near building works
Members of Inverness Angling Club, and visitors to the Ness fishings, are reminded that they should not enter the work areas at the Little Isle Pool or the west bank of the Mill Stream.
Clearly, strict health and safety rules govern building sites. Anglers are permitted to fish the Little Isle Pool, but they must stick to the river line and stay clear of current construction activity at the end of the wall.
Building works on the Archimedes Screw project begin on July 1 from which date anglers will not be able to fish the Mill Stream upstream of the fenced area at Jock’s Seat. The Highland Council indicates that the project is due for completion in March of next year, with the majority of river works completed before the end of this year.
Top fishing for James
One of three junior members nominated by Inverness Angling Club will be fishing the private Coul beat of the River Conon in August.
The lucky lad is 11-year-old James Stewart whose name was drawn out of the hat by Eileen Elliott, wife of club president Alex. The unsuccessful nominees were Liam MacKenzie and Theo Ross.
The competition was organised by Coul ghillie John Macaskill to encourage young anglers by giving them a taste of fishing top salmon beats. A raffle for senior anglers among local angling clubs raised £1620 for the Missing Salmon Alliance.
Top tyer: James is a keen member of a fly tying class organised for local anglers,
currenlty postponed by Covid-19
Unwanted intruder
The wall appears: An intruder into the outstanding natural beauty of the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness
Study targets Ness habitat improvements
Fishery authorities have launched a detailed study of the River Ness following a significant decline in the numbers of returning adult salmon. The aim is to target habitat improvements that could help restore the quality and quantity of available habitat, and increase salmon recruitment.
With full funding from the Ness & Beauly Fisheries Trust, the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board has commissioned local company CBEC Eco-engineering to deliver a ‘River Ness Habitat Restoration Feasibility Study’. The project began in early June and the full report is expected in December 2021. Key aims are:
* Completion of an initial desk-based assessment of the physical and ecological condition of the River Ness from Ness Weir downstream to the tidal limit in Inverness. This aims to provide an understanding of how the river currently operates, the ‘reference state’ and how historic modifications may have resulted in the river deviating from this condition.
* A field-based survey of the physical condition of the river to assess the distribution of morphological, sedimentary and ecological factors, in combination with human impacts along the length of the study section of the river.
* The production of a series of maps detailing the present-day physical character of the River Ness. This will support the implementation of any future sustainable measures towards the restoration of habitat, improving the natural conditions required for fish rearing and production.
* A final feasibility report detailing the influence of historical human pressures on the current physical character of the River Ness — specifically impacts on salmonid habitat. This will detail the development of a number of potential habitat restoration or enhancement measures.
Coul charity effort
Inverness anglers were unsuccessful in the raffle for Conon fishing launched by Coul beat ghillie John Macaskill. Over 80 tickets were purchased by members of local angling clubs, raising £1620 — a magnificent effort which John will donate to the Missing Salmon Alliance.
Fishery students go electric
Chris Daphne of the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board is having a busy couple of weeks. As a national instructor with the Scottish Fisheries Co-ordination Centre, Chris is training newcomer and more advanced students in electro fishing on the Mill Lade, which runs alongside the Weir Pool of the River Ness.
He ran two introductory courses for 10 students last week and will run advanced courses for six students on Tuesday (June 15). Electro fishing plays a key role in the board’s studies of fish stocks throughout the Ness System, from the headwaters of the River Garry to the club waters of the River Ness.
Pink return?
The skeletal remains of what is thought to be a pink or humpback salmon were found on the gravel at the top of the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness today (June 9). It was probably the victim of an otter.
The discovery was made by club member James Emery who alerted the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board. Officials will test the remains to confirm its species.
Pinks were discovered on the Ness and a number of other Scottish rivers two years ago. It is thought that this year could see a return of the species, completing a two-year cycle.
Alien species: Skeleton heralds possible return of pink salmon
Controversial contracts continue
Works continue on two Highland Council projects on the banks of the River Ness which have caused significant concerns to both anglers and the general public.
The so-called ‘My Ness arts project’ at the Little Isle Pool is scheduled to be completed by the end of June, but current progress suggests that it will continue into July — when Ness salmon begin to arrive in numbers. On anglers’ estimation, the wall will reduce the fishable area of the pool by some 60 yards — at one of the key catching points opposite the outfall of the Aultnaskiach Burn
Further upstream, ground works for the much-vaunted Archimedes Screw generation and visitor centre project have caused the closure of a popular walk.The works have also resulted in the installation of barriers to prevent access to a substantial section of the west bank of the Mill Stream, a productive area for salmon and sea trout.
My Ness: July completion?
A walk no more: Completion next year?
Lost fishings: Jock Dyce would be furious!
Electro fishing training
The Ness District Salmon Fishery Board will be carrying out electro fishing on the Holm Mills Lade next week (week beginning June 7). The exercise is to enable board staff to carry out practical training for students.
Graveside service for Donnie
The funeral of Donnie Mackay, former secretary of Inverness Angling Club, will take place on Friday (May 28). A graveside service will be held in Tomnahurich Cemetery at 1.15 pm, under current Government guidelines.
The cortège will leave from 4 Maxwell Drive, Inverness, at 1.00pm, with a five-minute stop at the back entrance to the cemetery. Donations are invited in Donnie's memory for the Highland Hospice via William T. Fraser and Son, Funeral Directors, Culduthel Road, Inverness.
Quick response needed for Coul offer
Anglers interested in buying raffle tickets for fishing on the private beats of the River Conon’s Coul water should get their tickets within the next couple of days. This also applies to nominations for junior members to participate in coached fishing sessions on the same beats.
See earlier posts for full details and contact treasurer and membership secretary John Ralph as quickly as possible.
Parking plans make progress
A series of discussions between Inverness Angling Club and The Highland Council about future parking arrangements at the Little Isle car park is nearing conclusion.
Club officials met council representatives at the park on Thursday (May 20) to consider outline plans for parking, which will be subject to public advertisement prior to implementation.
The proposals will make public parking subject to charges and time limits, but free parking will be available to anglers by displaying a parking badge which will be issued by the club.
Take a chance for prime beat fishing
Junior members of Inverness Angling Club are reminded that they can still apply to be nominated for a day’s salmon fishing and tuition on a prime beat of the River Conon.
The initiative has been launched by John Macaskill, head ghillie of the Coul Beat, in a bid to help young people to become involved in salmon fishing, and access prime fishing on a private beat.
Juniors who wish to participate in the IAC selection process for nomination should contact treasurer and membership secretary John Ralph (see contact details on membership cards or the web site). Club members may propose juniors they feel deserve nomination.
The beat is also offering all local anglers a chance to fish the river during the prime time of fishing in July. The week commencing Monday, July 5, is to be made available to all local anglers on a raffle ticket style basis, with all proceeds going to the Missing Salmon Alliance.
Anglers who buy a raffle ticket will have the chance to win three days fishing for one rod, on either July 5 to 7 or 8 to 10, enabling eight individual winners to fish the four rod beat for the week. Tickets will be priced at £20 each, available from John Ralph.
Former secretary passes away
Inverness Angling Club has lost a long-term member who gave years of service to the club. Don Mackay passed away in the Highland Hospice on Sunday evening (May 16) after a long illness.
Don helped guide the club’s fortunes over many years. Following service on the committee, he took on the role of secretary which he held for many years until retiring at the AGM in November 2013.
The club sends his deepest condolences to his daughters Donna and Jenny, and to brother Russell and sister-in-law Margaret.
River Ness faces powerful threats
Construction of the controversial ‘My Ness’ arts project continues at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness, giving rise to serious concerns about the impact on the special environment of the area.
Further upstream, another project which threatens the safety of anglers and the quality of the town fishings is about to start.
Ground works for The Highland Council’s Archimedes Screw venture at the top of the Electric Burn will begin on Monday (May 17) when contractors P Bradley and Company of Coleraine, Northern Ireland, will move on site. The project includes the construction of a visitor centre around the twin screw hydro project. Works are expected to continue until early next year.
It is understood that the 92kW power generation from the screws will require one-third of the water flowing down the Red Braes Pool above the Holm Bridge.
Anglers fear this will have a signifiant negative impact on the fishings in the Red Braes — a major spawning area for salmon — and the Weir Pool. There are also grave concerns about the safety of fishing the west side of the Mill Stream, where fast water from the screws will re-enter the river, and how this flow will affect the bed of the river.
Inverness Angling Club president Alex Elliott is requesting a site meeting with the council to express the club’s concerns. The club will seek assurances that the council will mitigate any threats to the health and safety of anglers and to the quality of the fishings.
Agency refuses to act on ‘My Ness’ scheme
Much is being written and said in Inverness these days about the environmental damage that will be caused by Highland Council’s so-called ‘My Ness’ art scheme at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness.
Concerned parties have made strong representations to SEPA — full name Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. But these have failed to bring about any changes to the scheme and the threat it poses to one of the finest examples of nature’s art.
Piling works for the scheme began on May 4.
Foreign structure?: Piling begins at Little Isle
Last cast for Jimmy
Inverness Angling Club has lost another of its long standing members. Jimmy Findlay, who died on Friday (April 30) at the age of 76, was a regular early morning angler at the Little Isle Pool along with his late brother Charlie and surviving brother Brian.
An HGV driver before retiring, Jimmy had moved from Inverness to Drumnadrochit to be close to his daughter, Karen, who looked after him in his final years.
Tackle shop re-opens
Grahams of Inverness has re-opened to continue their services to all those involved in field sports.
Anglers who have yet to renew their membership of Inverness Angling Club can do so at Graham’s Castle Street tackle shop, or through club membership secretary John Ralph.
All new members should apply through John. Click on Permits on the Home page to see information and application forms
Ruthven boat ready to row
Anglers who fancy fishing for native brown trout on a top loch will be happy to know that Inverness Angling Club’s boat will soon be available on Loch Ruthven. The key for the boat will be available to club members from Graham’s tackle shop from Monday (April 26).
Club president Alex Elliott expressed his thanks to member Walter Mackay. “Walter is always ready to help get the boat in and out of the water and ensure that it is in top condition for our members.”
On the wave: The IAC boat on Loch Ruthven
Ness art project threatens angler safety
Detailed plans for ‘The Gathering Place’ project on the River Ness reveal an unacceptable risk to the safety of anglers. Inverness Angling Club claims that the plans, seen unofficially by club representatives for the first time, show that the proposed wall extends further into the river than indicated in artist’s impressions.
In moderate river levels, the depth of the water at the most extreme pillar of the wall would be around 1.3 metres (4.26 feet). In such conditions the water would be just below an angler’s waist. But the wall extends over two metres (6.5 feet) beyond this, at a point where the bed of the river shelves into deeper water.
The club believes this could risk the safety of anglers tempted to wade round the point of the wall to continue fishing. The only alternative would be to leave the river, negotiate the wall and begin fishing several metres downstream of the wall, denying access to a significant stretch of productive salmon water.
President Alex Elliott explained: “We have always had serious concerns about the extent of the wall’s intrusion into the river. It is a potential threat to the safety of anglers. There is also a threat to the general public. Anyone accidentally falling off the end of the wall would be going into fairly fast, deep water from which they may have to be rescued.
“We are also aware that the action of medium to high water on the pillars and point of the wall will cause a significant eddy. This is likely to shift gravel, interfere with the beach and fundamentally change the nature of one of the most attractive pools on the river. As far as we know, this has not been properly assessed by hydrologists.
“For many months we have been asking The Highland Council to show us detailed plans in order to satisfy these concerns. But all we get are artist’s impressions. As a result, we have been unable to assess the full impact of the project until now. These major concerns must be resolved before major construction works begin.”
Alex added: “We are disappointed by the council’s potentially unsafe decisions on this. Unlike others, we have raised no objections to the art project. We co-operated fully with the council and trusted councillors and staff to consider our interests. But it appears our trust has been misplaced and we have been kept in the dark over crucial detail.”
Metal wall: The left bank of the popular Little Isle Pool prepared for construction of 'The Gathering Place'
Coul beat offers prime opportunity
Inverness Angling Club, along with other local angling clubs, has been invited to take part in a welcome project proposed by John Macaskill, head ghillie of the Coul beat on the River Conon.
In a bid to create opportunities for young people to become involved in salmon fishing, and access prime fishing on a private beat, John is inviting each of six clubs to nominate a junior member for a day’s fishing and tuition at Coul on August 23, 24 or 25.
Juniors who wish to participate in the selection process for nomination by IAC should contact treasurer and membership secretary John Ralph (see contact details on membership cards or the web site). Club members may propose juniors they feel deserve nomination.The successful junior would need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the duration of the day to comply with Health and Safety and Child protection.
The beat is also offering all local anglers a chance to fish the river during the prime time of fishing in July. The week commencing Monday, July 5, is to be made available to all local anglers on a raffle ticket style basis, with all proceeds going to the Missing Salmon Alliance.
Anglers who buy a raffle ticket will have the chance to win three days fishing for one rod, on either July 5 to 7 or 8 to 10, enabling eight individual winners to fish the four rod beat for the week. Tickets will be priced at £20 each, available from John Ralph.
Contact: Playing a salmon on the Gillanders Pool of the Coul beat
Art project set to start
The Highland Council has assured anglers that they will be able to continue fishing when the construction of a riverside project begins next week.
The so-called Gathering Place is designed as an amphitheatre landmark with curved walls on either side of the river. It embraces part of the Little Isle Pool, one of the most popular salmon pools on the River Ness.
Design changes include a small widening to the end of the pier to enhance accessibility and signage which highlights the work is closed during high water events.
Local firm Simpsons has won the contract which is expected to be completed by early summer. They will endeavour to maintain access as far as possible. If there's a problem, anglers should liaise with the site agent. Steps will be provided just downstream from the start of the existing wall to ease access for more senior members.
Preparation of the site begins on April 6 with main works starting on April 13. Piling, to a depth of six to seven metres, will begin on May 3. This will have the greatest impact on angling activity, with little or no access to the pool.
Wooden benches will be removed and retained for reinstallation at a suitable location. The wall sections will be pre-constructed off site and lifted in by a crane, which will operate from a site adjacent to the fishing hut. The footpath behind the hut will be closed off during these operations.
Redesigned: The west side of the Gathering Place
Enjoy an exchange
Inverness Angling Club is continuing traditional exchange permit arrangements with a number of club fisheries. These include Beauly, Dingwall and District, Loch Achonachie and Wick Angling Clubs - all available to members under current Covid travel restrictions.
Those outwith the Highland Council area - Aberdeen and District, and Ugie Angling Clubs, and Elgin Angling Association - will not be available until inter-region travel restrictions are lifted on April 26. To book tickets, contact membership secretary John Ralph.
Avoid penalty
Anglers have just a few hours to renew their Inverness Angling Club permits for 2001, without penalty. From midnight tonight (March 30) a penalty of £20 is payable on top of the standard senior membership fee. Contact membership secretary John Ralph to renew in time.
Ruthven launch delayed
Inverness Angling Club has delayed placing its boat on Loch Ruthven. Officials had planned to launch the boat tomorrow (April 1) but forecast weather conditions seem pretty severe. This is not an April Fool...! Watch this space for the launch date.
Moy Fair cancelled
Covid-19 has led to another sporting casualty. For the second year in succession, organisers of the annual Highland Field Sports Fair at Moy Hall have decided to cancel the event planned for Friday and Saturday, August 6 and 7, this year.
Inverness Angling Club has supported the fair for many years, using a position by Loch Moy to present distance and accuracy casting competitions and deliver valued coaching in the use of trout and salmon fly rods.
Accuracy: Steve Black and Eric Craig supervise popular Moy competition
Fishery board cuts assessment
Inverness Angling Club president Alex Elliott has welcomed a reduction in the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board assessment paid for the club waters for 2021.
Assessments are raised from riparian owners or their tenants to help finance the board’s operations, including conservation projects, research, and the management and policing or an extremely large fishery.
The assessment paid by IAC, as a tenant of riparian owner The Highland Council, has been set at £9,300 for 2021, a 50 per cent cut on the sum paid for 2020.