News 2020
Seasonal message
Inverness Angling Club president Alex Elliott sends his best wishes to all club members and their families for Christmas and the New Year.
“It has been a very difficult year in which Covid-19 has had a serious impact on individuals and families. But I hope that members, their families and friends - even with current restrictions - can enjoy a happy Christmas Day and look forward to a new year in which things will take a turn for the better. Stay safe!”
Membership arrangements
The move to Level Four Covid restrictions will mean that the tackle shop of Grahams of Inverness will be closed from Boxing Day for three weeks, or until the Scottish Government determines otherwise.
Consequently, the shop will be unable to fulfil its role as a key point for the distribution of Inverness Angling Club’s membership cards and permits. Meantime, all anglers seeking to renew or apply for membership for the 2021 season should do so through membership secretary John Ralph, Ailigean, 98 Fairfield Road Inverness IV3 5LL Tel: 01463 718010 Mob:07702889841 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please don't call after 8 pm.
Any change to these arrangements will be posted to the web site. In these difficult times, the club sends its best wishes to all members for the most enjoyable Christmas that restrictions allow, and look forward to a year free from Covid concerns.
Ness permits now on sale
Membership cards for Inverness Angling Club are now available from Graham’s tackle shop in Castle Street, offering ideal Christmas presents for avid anglers. And discounted prices for fishing time lost as a result of Covid restraints make the permits particularly good bargains.
Discounts apply to those who held membership during 2020. Prices are: Adult (including ladies) and associate £100, Concession £50, Intermediate (ages 18 to 20 inclusive) £35. Junior permits (17 and under) are free and can be collected from the tackle shop.
The special entry rate for anglers who have not been members within the previous five years will continue at £100. Anglers with broken membership in the last five years must pay £150 to renew. Application forms for submission to membership secretary John Ralph can be downloaded from the web site at Fishing/Permits/River Ness permits.
A worthy winner
A Hertfordshire man who has made Inverness his home has been awarded Inverness Angling Club’s Angler of the Year Shield. When he retired from work as a freelance carpenter, specialising in constructing conference settings, James Emery headed north to pursue his love of salmon fishing.
“I first fished the River Ness in 2018 and have come to love the river, the area and the local people,” says James. “But the travel back and forth was getting too much so I took up residence in 2019.”
Club president Alex Elliott explained that the trophy, which comes with complimentary membership for 2021, was awarded annually to the individual who most reflected the spirit of the club.
“In the relatively short time he has been with us, James has become a very committed member. He is always ready to get involved and has spent many hours helping to maintain the river banks. And wherever he goes on the river he will collect and re-cycle litter, setting a great example for us all.”
Committed: James Emery with the Angler of the Year Shield
President’s Report for 2020
In his annual report, normally presented to the club’s AGM, president Alex Elliott says it’s been an honour to serve the interests of Inverness Angling Club over 2020, albeit through a tough year when Covid-19 brought dangers and restrictions few of us imagined.
“Those dangers struck home when popular member Ali Scott suffered the most serious impact of the virus. Happily, he came through that and is now making a good recovery. Sadly, several current and previous members passed away during the year - Cas Slaney, Dale Hunter, Harry Watson, Davie MacMillan and Charlie Findlay. Most recently we lost Mary Dyce, head of the well known fishing family and a dedicated supporter of the club.
“Covid forced the closure of the club fishings on March 25 but reopened on May 29 when restrictions were eased. All three of our riverside huts remain closed - a decision taken with regret but necessary to maintain social distancing. We appreciate members’ patience in coping with this, but hut closure will be essential as long as Covid poses a threat.
“On a different note, the committee decided to abandon negotiations with The Highland Council about a replacement hut at the Little Isle. Over two years of discussions and designs had led nowhere, and the committee felt that the investment proposed by the council - compared to the club’s modest proposals - was excessive and would best be utilised elsewhere.
“Fishing proved fairly tough and it wasn’t until July 4 that the first fish of the season was landed. The honour went to associate member John Mallin of Dulnain Bridge, who landed and released an 18 pound specimen from the Weir Pool. Catches continued to be sporadic but the final total was 140 salmon and grilse, a good increase on the 2019 catch of 74 but still well behind the 274 landed in 2018.
“With the new one-way system introduced on Bught Road, and plans to charge for parking in the Fishermen’s Car Park at the Little Isle, the committee is negotiating with Highland Council for space for anglers’ cars.
“The club boat on Loch Ruthven was well used during the year, being out most days, and it is now laid up for maintenance over the close season. We have also concluded arrangements for the storage of all of the club’s equipment in one place - a container unit at the Citadel. This made real sense as valuable tools had been stored in the garages of various members. We are grateful for their help and forbearance over the years.
“The club is in a good membership and financial position and our aim is to maintain this over the next year. But as a reward to members for their patience in difficult circumstances over the year, 2021 membership fees will be reduced by a third for those who held 2020 permits. I wish you good health, the best festive season circumstances allow and an enjoyable and productive 2021 season.
Membership holds despite Covid
Earlier this year there were serious concerns about the potential impact of Covid-19 on the health of Inverness Angling Club. But membership and visitor numbers, while down on 2019, remained stronger than might have been expected.
Overall membership dropped to 346, including 150 senior, four intermediate (aged 18 to 20 inclusive), 101 junior, 47 concessionary, 33 associate and five ladies. But it could have been worse. The loss of 73 members who did not renew their permits was partially mitigated by 61 new paying members.
Visitor permits sold through Graham’s tackle shop, FishPal and club members totalled 235 for the season. In addition, the club issued 35 sea trout permits for the estuary beat.
Permit prices reduced for 2021
With Covid-19 reducing the length of the 2020 season, the committee of Inverness Angling Club has moved to cut prices of 2021 permits. The discount will only apply to those who held membership during 2020.
The discounted prices will be: Adult (now including ladies) and associate £100, Concession £50, Intermediate (ages 18 to 20 inclusive) £35. The special entry rate for anglers who have not been members within the previous five years will continue at £100. Anglers with broken membership in the last five years will pay £150 to renew.
Adult permits must be renewed by April 1. Failure to do so will incur a penalty, as will failure to having submitted an annual catch return for 2020.
Management moves
With the postponement of the AGM, the current committee of Inverness Angling Club will continue to run its affairs until such time as relaxation of Covid-19 rules permits such gatherings.
Meantime, there will be some changes to committee responsibilities and membership. Steve Black has stepped down from his much appreciated role as secretary. Luckily, Graham Forbes, a current member of the committee, has volunteered to act as interim secretary until a full AGM can be called.
Following the retirement of Gordon Smith, who managed the club’s finances so well over the last few years, John Ralph will add the treasurer’s role, on an interim basis, to his work as membership secretary.
The committee has co-opted two club members, Chris Bruce and Kevin Elliott, to fill vacancies. Kevin Elliott will take on responsibility for reporting catches to FishPal, previously carried out by John Ralph.
Alan Scott will continue to maintain the content of the web site, with the assistance of IT advisor Stevie Graham. The news section, and the sections on club and fishing information, are in the course of being updated.
Achagour pioneer passes on
It is with great sadness that anglers around the Highlands and the north-east will hear of the passing of Stewart Mackintosh, owner and developer of the popular Achagour Trout Fishery at the family farm. Stewart had been in ill health for some time, and had frequent spells in hospital. But it was at home on Monday (November 9) that he spent his last hours with his wife Margaret and family.
Stewart was a generous friend and strong supporter of Inverness Angling Club. It was at Achagour that the club’s annual winter trout league was launched some 12 years ago. He took great delight in spending time with anglers, and in contributing valuable prizes for league winners and club competitions at the Highland Field Sports Fair.
Stewart will be sorely missed. Members and friends of Inverness Angling Club send their deepest condolences to his extended family.
AGM postponed
Inverness Angling Club has postponed its annual general meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 26.
President Alex Elliott said: “The AGM provides an important opportunity for members to be briefed on the club’s progress over the year. But these are extraordinary times and continuing Covid regulations prevent such a gathering.
“While we have managed to hold committee meetings through Zoom, we felt that a virtual AGM would not suit many of our members. We will, however, present annual reports on the web site towards the end of November. Meantime, the present committee will continue to run club affairs and seek to hold a full AGM when Covid regulations are eased.”
Crow crops cormorant
The Little Isle Pool of the River Ness is a favourite spot for a cast by IAC vice president Bill Byers. And he regularly joins fellow members there for a a close season chat. If he’s lucky, he spots a fish or two heading upstream, but his latest sighting was at bit unusual.
He spotted a cormorant - another regular visitor to the river this season - standing on the shingle drying its outstretched wings. One of the local crows appeared to take exception to this, approaching the cormorant from behind and giving him several nips in the tail. Eventually, the cormorant decided enough was enough and left.
My territory: Crow takes exception to cormorant’s visit
Special scene
Autumn is a very special time of the year, producing astounding displays of colour. And you don’t have to go far to enjoy them. This display can be found close to the centre of the City of Inverness, from the so-called Banana Bridge in the Ness Islands.Hopefully, this is part of the riverside that will remain unspoiled.
Striking: An islands scene
Club seeks new treasurer
Gordon Smith has made a huge contribution to the management and development of Inverness Angling Club over many years, holding the offices of secretary, president and - in a recent return to the committee - as treasurer. Club members owe him a huge vote of thanks for his remarkable period of service.
Now that he is stepping down, the club is seeking a volunteer for the position as treasurer - someone who is comfortable with figures, organised and who can devote a bit of time to the care and development of the club’s finances and services. As Covid-19 has forced many changes, the treasurer will be a highly valued member of the team - leading the introduction of more remote membership and financial arrangements. Volunteers should contact president Alex Elliott via the contact detail on membership cards.
Last day, remember returns
Inverness Angling Club members and visitors took to the attractive pools of the River Ness today in a bid to land a salmon or grilse on the last day of the season. No catch reports have been filed yet, but enthusiasts have up to midnight to nab that elusive fish.
Everyone who has fished the club water this year - members, associates and visitors - is reminded that they have to submit a catch return - including nil returns - by October 23 at the latest. This can be done by post, following the instructions on the returns card; placing the completed card in the sealed box in Graham’s tackle shop; or online via the club’s web site. Failure to submit a return in time will incur a penalty on 2021 permits.
Last day: Anglers seek a fish on the Little Isle
Reuben reaps reward
October the thirteenth turned out to be a lucky day for club member Reuben Lindsay. Fishing the Red Braes Pool near the top of the weir, he landed a cock salmon of seven pounds on a silver stoat fly. Along with the five pounder caught and released by Davie Dyce on the Braes yesterday, Reuben’s fish takes the total catch for the season so far to 140 salmon and grilse.
Netted: A nice one for Reuben
Leading lady passes on
It is with great sadness that we pass on the news of the sudden death of Mary Dyce, much loved matriarch of the well-known Inverness angling family. The widow of Jock Dyce, one of the best anglers and characters ever to grace the waters of the River Ness, Mary was an enthusiastic supporter of the club and its members.
Earlier this year she took great pride in ‘blessing the water’ on the opening day of the season. On behalf of all club members, we pass on our deepest sympathy to her extended family.
Much loved: Mary blesses the water at the opening of the 2020 season
with (left to right) membership secretary John Ralph, her son David and president Alex Elliott
Last chance for a fish
With the 2020 salmon season closing on Thursday night, there’s just four days left for River Ness anglers to catch that elusive fish. Anglers are an optimistic bunch and had anticipated a 2020 season which would produce a higher catch than the 73 salmon and grilse landed in 2019.
Clearly, nothing like the Covid-18 lockdown had been anticipated but anglers soon got going and the first fish of the season was landed on the Weir Pool on July 4 by associate member John Mallin. But it has been a difficult season and the total to date is 138 salmon and grilse. While an improvement on last season, the catch still falls short of what club members would normally expect.
A message from Italy
IAC associate members Luca Meozzi and friend Gino Pasquali were welcome visitors to the River Ness from Italy in September. Gino landed a five pound cock salmon on the MacIntyre Pool.
This week the guys sent a movie, with commentary in Italian, which indicates how much they enjoyed their visit. The message from Luca reads:
“I hope you are all well and thinking of doing something nice. I send you the link to see the movie of our trip where you too have been protagonists. A warm greeting. Luca and Gino."
First of the week
Things have been really quiet on the River Ness this week as weekend rain pushed up water levels. But some anglers persisted and, as the level fell, the first salmon of the week was landed from the MacIntyre Pool today. Once again the honour fell to Chris Bruce with a fish of nine pounds which was safely released to continue its spawning run.
Another for Chris: A fish in typical autumn colour
Deep fly delivers
Elgin visitor Alan Crook continued his Ness success today with an eight pound fish from the Little Isle Pool. He reports that the fish was caught on a large fly, fished deep, and safely released. The river remains quiet with no other catches reported so far.
Two for trip
Edinburgh-based associate member Alan Brooks is thoroughly enjoying his visit to Inverness Angling Club’s waters. Following his four pounder on Monday, he made it two for his trip today with a three pound grilse from the Mill Stream. Both fish were caught on the worm and safely released.
Brace for Chris
Club member Chris Bruce, fishing the west side of the Mill Stream today, added to his season’s tally - landing and releasing a brace weighing in at six and seven pounds. Both showed the first stages of colouring up for their stay in fresh water. Anglers feel these might be released fish as fresh salmon enter the Ness well beyond season closure on October 15.
Autumn colours: Preparing to complete the life cycle
Sharing waters
Exchange permits are a useful way for members of angling clubs and associations to enjoy each other’s fishings at no cost. Currently, Inverness Angling Club has such arrangements in place with Aberdeen and District, Beauly, Dingwall and District, Loch Achonachie, Ugie and Wick angling clubs, and Elgin Angling Association.
Today, Elgin AA member Allan Crook made his trip well worthwhile by landing and releasing a fresh grilse of four pounds from the Mill Stream.
Success for associate
Edinburgh-based associate club member Alan Brooks plied the Mill Stream Pool with the ‘garden fly’ this morning and landed a four pound grilse which was safely returned. There are no other reports of catches so far as the lean period continues.
Mamma Mia!
A late season trip to Inverness Angling Club’s beat on the River Ness brought some joy for an Italian visitor on Thursday.
Gino Pasquali and his friend Luca Meozzi took up associate membership of the club in January and have spent this week seeking that elusive salmon. And it happened yesterday. Gino landed and released a cock salmon of over five pounds from the MacIntyre Pool. The fish, well into its spawning livery, was taken on a Red Francis fly. Hopefully, there will be more for both before they head home.
Joy for Gino: A MacIntryre fish for a welcome visitor
Provan produces
It’s not often fished but a cast or two in Provan’s Pool of the club water can often bring dividends, especially after high water in the latter part of the season. And so it was for Davie Dyce today. Fishing a zebra Toby, he caught and released a grilse of five pounds at the weir wall.
Catch returns time approaches
Given the continuing threats from Covid-19, Inverness Angling Club has made some changes to its arrangements for the submission of catch returns for the 2020 season.
Riverside hut boxes will not be available. Instead, returns can be placed in sealed boxes at the spirits counter of the Holm Mills Shopping Village, the refreshments hut at the crazy golf centre at the Bught and the usual returns box in the tackle shop of Grahams of Inverness. All boxes will be available from Friday, September 25.
Returns can also be submitted online through the club’s web site at invernessanglingclub.co.uk. On the home page, click the bars at the top right hand corner, select Fishing then Annual catch/effort return. Complete the form and follow the directions for submission.
All returns, including nil returns and fishing effort in days per month, must be submitted no later than October 23. Adult members failing to submit a return will incur a penalty of £20 on 2021 membership. See Rules 5.2 and 5.3.
One for the day
Just one salmon came off the club water today in fairly bright conditions. Chris Bruce made a successful visit to the Red Braes Pool to land a nine pound specimen, duly released.
Observe rules and stay safe
As further outbreaks of Covid-19 occur in Scotland, the committee of Inverness Angling Club has appealed to members to observe social distancing on the riverside. As a reminder, these are the regulations set by the Scottish Government:
- People can meet socially, indoors or outdoors, in groups of up to six from no more than two households at a time
- People should meet no more than four other households a day
- People should stay two metres apart from anyone over 11 who is not part of their household
While club huts will remain locked until Covid-19 clears, they provide focal points for chats. It is crucial that the social distancing rules should be strictly observed in such gatherings.
Prospects improve as water drops
The town beat of the River Ness showed a bit more activity today. And the dropping water level made it a bit more comfortable for anglers.
Ian Jennings, an associate member of the Inverness Angling Club who makes regular trips north from his home in Wolverhampton, landed a six and a half pound salmon fishing a Devon minnow in the MacIntyre Pool. Upstream, Chris Bruce caught a five pounder from the Braes Pool.
Landed: A good catch for Ian
Another for Donnie
Fresh salmon are still entering the River Ness and the odd one is being picked up by dedicated IAC members. It was the turn of Donnie Urquhart this afternoon. He caught and released a fresh cock fish of 10 pounds on a three and a half inch Devon minnow.
Fly catch for Davey
High water continued on the River Ness today but club members continued their search for a salmon. Just one has been reported so far. Around seven pm this evening, Davie Dyce caught and released a five pound grilse from the Little Isle Pool on the fly.
IAC cancels BBQ
Inverness Angling Club has decided to cancel its popular end-of-season barbecue, usually held in the early part of October. Even if current regulations prohibiting large gatherings were relaxed, it is felt that staging the event would be too much of a risk as Covid-19 continues to pose a potential threat to health.
Braving the waters
As the River Ness rose by almost a metre over the weekend, it took brave anglers to venture out on Monday morning. But some did and for James Emery it paid off. Fishing a Devon minnow, he landed and released a bright hen salmon of some eight pounds from the MacIntyre Pool.
In the net: Success for James
Fly tying and trout league cancelled
Organisers had decided to cancel two annual events run over the winter months in association with Inverness Angling Club.
The Cascade Fly Tying Group, run from mid October to the end of February, has increased in popularity over the last three seasons and regularly attracts from 15 to 20 club members and friends each week. But it has been decided that the classes present a clear health risk - even if government regulations allowed.
Organiser Alan Scott explained: “The nature of coaching fly tying skills makes it impossible to meet social distancing regulations. We will keep the situation under review and look to re-starting the classes if regulations permit.”
Also cancelled is the annual Winter Trout League, which has been held at the Achagour Trout Fishery for the last 11 years. But cancellation is not related to Covid-19.
IAC president and league organiser Alex Elliott said: “It is extremely disappointing but participation in the league has fallen over the last couple of years. Having taken soundings from previous participants it seems that interest continues to fall. Anyone who facies continuing competitive fishing may wish to enter the league run by the team at Achagour.”
Tempting trout
With salmon and grilse in short supply, maybe it’s time to have a cast for the sea trout which migrate into the River Ness. IAC member John Benson did just that last night and was rewarded with a two and a half pound specimen from the Friar’s Shott. It was taken at nine pm on a size six version of the popular teal, blue and silver fly.
Another for the Francis
Jordon Grant and Davie Dyce were out and about on the east bank of the Red Braes today where their persistence brought results - grilse of five pounds for each of them. Jordon’s fish was taken on a Red Francis tube, a fly that has become increasingly popular on the Ness as its catch reputation increases. Meanwhile, Kevo Macdonald was back on the MacIntyre to take his second fish in two days - a grilse of three pounds. The Mac also delivered a grilse of four pounds for Patrick Kerr.
The rise and fall of river levels
Salmon anglers believe that their quarry appears less willing to take in fluctuating water levels. Consequently, significant fluctuations in recent levels of the River Ness have been a hot topic in river bank discussions. Hydro schemes throughout the Ness System are seen as the usual culprits. But experts indicate that there are a series of natural reasons for such conditions, apart from the expected normal run-off from an extensive river and loch system. They include:
1 Seiches - A recognised phenomena caused when strong winds and rapid changes in atmospheric pressure push water from one end of Loch Ness to the other. These can result in measurable differences in water level from one end of the loch to the other, pulsing up and down the loch.
2 Winds - The predominant south-westerly winds through the Great Glen mean that such conditions will have a particular impact to the north-east - and the River Ness.
3 Weir spill - A slight increase in the level of Loch Dochfour can result in significant amounts of water running over the long Dochfour Weir, causing a substantial rise in the level of the River Ness.
The gate installed at the top of the Dochfour Weir has no bearing on the type of fluctuations seen recently. It is designed to maintain he height of the River Ness in low water conditions, ie when Loch Dochfour falls below the level of the weir.
‘Monsters’ found in River Ness
Two strange fish discovered at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness on Monday evening are thought to be cichlids, more common to areas like Lake Tanganyika in Africa. They are popular among aquarists as pets and it is believed that someone has decided to release them into the wild.
Chris Conroy, CEO of the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board, said such releases into the wild can have a devastating impact on native species and ecosystems. He urged anyone thinking about releasing unwanted pet fish into local rivers and lochs to find alternatives.
Monsters?: The warm water aquarium fish found in the Ness
Isle and Mac score again
Monday got off to a reasonable start with two fish from the Ness club water, but seems to have failed that early promise with no further reports so far. The fortunate anglers were Davie Dyce, with a seven pounder from the Little Isle, and Kevo Macdonald, who landed an eight pounder from the MacIntyre.
Donnie does it
Following a fishless Friday, Donnie Urquhart got things going again on Saturday afternoon with a nine pound fresh run salmon from the Weir Pool. It was taken on a two-inch Devon minnow and released. Shane Fraser, visiting on the Elgin and District Angling Association exchange permit, reported catching and releasing a 10 pound salmon from the Red Braes.
Two from Mill
The Mill Stream favoured Chris Bruce with yet another grilse today, a four pounder which was released. Also on the Mill Stream, Peter Easton landed and released a seven pound hen fish on a black and red minnow.
A welcome fish
David Greer of North Kessock celebrated his first year of Inverness Angling Club membership today with a welcome fish from the east side of the Mill Stream. Fishing a size 10 Silver Ally’s Shrimp, he landed and released a grilse of five pounds. Fellow member James Emery helped with the net. On the opposite side of the Mill Stream, James Buchanan further increased his catch statistics with a five pound grilse, hooked on a Toby and released.
Enjoyable: A first for David
First of September
An early trip to the Weir Pool this morning brought a result for Donnie Urquhart. Spinning a two inch Devon minnow, he caught and released a good fish of eight pounds at eight o’clock. Visitor Shane Fraser from Lossiemouth made it two for the day with a seven pound fish caught and released at the Little Isle.
Singular fish
There were no further reports of catches on Saturday, the day closing with Ally Henderson’s six pound fish. Moving on to Monday, Denny Mackay was a delighted man as he landed his first fish of the season from the club water of the River Ness. Fishing a two inch minnow, he hooked, landed and released an eight pound cock salmon from the Mill Stream. There are no reports of other catches so far.
Happy man: A good catch for Denny
Quiet day
Just one catch has been reported so far from the IAC water on Saturday with Ally Henderson landing a six pound cock fish.
Club recognises junior success
Inverness Angling Club prides itself on the level of its junior membership which currently runs at 94 young people under the age of 18 - one of the highest rates in Scotland. While Covid-19 put paid to the staging of the club’s annual Casting Clinics, and other plans to coach junior members, the club has recognised the skill of two junior members in catching salmon.
Five-year-old Finn Henderson landed a five pound grilse from the Mill Stream while 10-year-old Tami Porter caught a three pounder from the Little Isle Pool. Today, accompanied by proud Dads, both were presented with £20 tackle vouchers and club hats by president Alex Elliott.
He explained: “We hope this will help encourage more junior members to visit the river with their parents and develop their angling skills. We hope to do more with them as soon as anti-virus precautions permit. This could include coaching in casting trout and salmon rods, and visits to local trout fisheries.”
Success: Tami and Finn with their awards
Family fun: Dads Neil and Ally are joined by Alex Elliott
Fresh one for Gavin
It’s good to avoid a duck, at anytime and any place. And so it transpired on the club water of the River Ness today. In the last light of the day, Gavin Mackie managed to hook and land a cracking fresh salmon of seven pounds on the MacIntyre Pool. Taken on the fly, it was safely returned.
Proposed gradings for 2021
Following assessment of the conservation status of salmon in inland waters, Marine Scotland has published its proposed gradings for rivers for 2021. These will be subject to a 28 day consultation period, commencing on Thursday, August 28.
The River Ness retains its Grade 1 status which, as in recent years, may be subject to locally agreed conservation arrangements, including the Rivers Garry and Oich. The River Moriston SAC is also listed at Grade 1. All gradings are available on the Marine Scotland web site at
First for Mark
Three fish have been reported so far today from the club water of the River Ness. Steve Watt’s persistence on the Little Isle was rewarded with a grilse of four pounds, which was released. Also released was a fish of six pounds taken on the MacIntyre Pool on a Red Francis fly by Hamish Chisholm, a visitor from Invergordon.
Club member Mark Stanford started fishing just after lockdown and today was a 'red letter' one. He landed and retained a 7.5 pound fish from the Weir Pool - his first salmon, taken on the fly. He reported: "I'm just buzzing. I was just about to leave around 8.30, as it was getting dark, and one more cast paid off."
Two’s company
There were no further reports of catches on Monday (August 24) so the total for the season that day reached 101 salmon and grilse.
Catches come in two’s it appears. Yet another day passed with just two fish reported, a poor catch by the standards of the Ness club water.
Tuesday saw Jim Buchanan and Jordon Grant raise the total to 103. James had a four pound grilse, taken on a Toby from the very bottom of the MacIntyre and released. Jordon Grant continued his success with a 10 pound salmon from the middle beat of the Braes, also released.
Season total reaches 100
IAC member Donnie Cameron, a regular on the Little Isle Pool, switched locations early this morning to the MacIntyre Pool. And it produced a double reward - a cock grilse, taken on a Francis tube fly, which marked the one hundredth fish of the season from the club water. The word on the river was that Donnie’s catch was one of another two fish landed this morning but confirmation is awaited. The MacIntyre was also the place to be for Hugh Hutton this evening. He landed a six pound cock fish on a Cascade.
Catch total closes on three figures
The 2020 season is proving a good one for IAC member Gary Goddard, who recently broke an 18-month drought on the club water. Out this morning on the east bank of the Mill Stream, Gary landed and released a grilse of five pounds. Thirty minutes later he lost a larger fish from the bottom of the pool.
Two visitors from Dumfries are making their trip north well worth while. Having landed a four pound grilse on Tuesday, Scott Kerr went one better today with two grilse of three to five pounds while Derek Adamson continued his successful quest for some of the river’s fine brown trout.
Today's catches raise the total catch of salmon and grilse for the season so far to 99.
Buy permits - Stay safe
With Covid-19 precautions limiting the use of cash, Inverness Angling Club reminds anglers seeking day or weekly permits to purchase them through the official outlets. These are the tackle shop of Grahams in Castle Street, Inverness, or the internet booking site FishPal. Contact details are: Grahams of Inverness: Tel: 01463 233178 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. FishPal: www.fishpal.com
Another from the Mill
A lot of effort with little reward was the story from the Ness town fishings today. But there was one happy angler, at least. Fishing the Mill Stream, Nick Barker had a fly-caught cock fish of around seven pounds, duly returned.
Pleased as punch: Nick Barker and netsman Ian Jennings in happy mood
River remains quiet
Catches are slow on the town fishings of the River Ness. Anglers are seeing few fish in the pools and even fewer at the end of their lines. A bit of fresh water could make a big difference.
But a few anglers beat the odds. Steve Watt landed a grilse from the tail of the Little Isle Pool and Ally Henderson had a cock fish of eight pounds. Frank Rabbeth had a grilse of over five pounds from the Weir Pool.
Lost a rod tube top…?
A screw-on top for a metal rod tube has been found at the Little Isle Pool on Inverness Angling Club’s fishings. The owner should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. giving a description of the top and arrangements will be made for its return.
Grilse catches continue
Three grilse catches were reported from the Ness club water today with two of the anglers involved increasing their tallies. James Buchanan had a five pounder on a Toby in the Silver Wells while Jordon Grant had a four pound sea iced grilse on a size eight Cascade from the General’s Well. Both were released.
Scott Kerr, a visitor from Dumfries, had a grilse of four pounds from the Mill Stream. He reported that it was in poor condition, although fresh, and it took some time to release. Derek Adamson, also visiting from Dumfries, says he had a "great day's fishing", seeing a few grilse in the Weir Pool and landing "three beautiful brownies". it just goes to show; the Ness is always worth a cast.
Success for Jimmy
Long term member Jimmy Craib landed his first fish of the season from the club water today. Fishing a minnow through the Weir Pool, he had a grilse of six pounds. Chris Bruce carried on catching with a bright four pound grilse from the stream above the Infirmary Bridge.
Nice one: A grilse for Jimmy
Catches continue
The Silver Wells Pool of the River Ness, running down the right bank below the Infirmary Bridge, is always good for a fish at this time of the year. And so it proved for Jordon Grant this morning. At the tail of the pool he landed a six pound hen fish which was safely returned. It was taken on a Cascade, a pattern that appears to serve Jordon well. But the MacIntyre Pool is also a good place to be at the moment. Chris Bruce continued his successful run there today with two grilse, weighing in at two and four pounds. Both were released.
Fish show but few takes
The early morning catch today was taken in the MacIntyre Pool by Gavin Mackie, a fly-caught grilse of five pounds safely released. In good overhead conditions, Chris Bruce worked his way downstream through the Leaven Trees Pool and was rewarded with a five pound grilse, duly released, from the Legion Pool. Don Mackay had a fish of eight pounds.
Bright sunshine in the afternoon could well have put fish off the take as no catch reports have come in so far, despite lots of fish showing in the MacIntyre and Mill Stream. But as the light waned after nine o'clock, Geoege MacDonald got a result on the middle beat of the Little Isle Pool - a cock fish of five pounds on a small Ness club fly.
Five fish today
Salmon and grilse keep coming on the club water of the River Ness, pushing the season’s reported catch up to 80.
James Emery had his first fish of the season from the MacIntyre Pool, a five pound grilse on a Red Francis. On the same pool, Lee Mackenzie had a good scrap from an eight pound salmon.
Up on the west bank of the Mill Stream, James Buchanan continued his successful run with a grilse of four pounds. For a change of scenery, Davie Dyce went for a cast on the General’s Well this evening - and landed two grilse within half an hour, weighing in at five and seven pounds and both released.
Catches exceed 2019 total
Reported catches on Inverness Angling Club’s pools have reached a total of 75 salmon and grilse - two more than the total for the entire 2019 season. And four club members who have made a significant contribution to that total were on the mark again today.
Fishing the Legion Pool below the main Ness bridge, Chris Bruce pulled four fish and landed one of 6.5 pounds. The Silver Wells produced another for Davie Dyce, a six pound hen fish on the fly, duly released. Neil Fraser released a six pound fish on the rght bank of the Little Isle. Kevin Elliott, a successful regular on the Weir Pool, moved down to the Mill Stream and landed and released a fly-caught grilse of five pounds.
Toby takes it
Donnie Urquhart was out on the Weir Pool sharp this morning and it paid off - an eight pound salmon taken on a Toby lure. A visit to the General’s Well also paid off for Nick Barker. He landed and released a 3.5 pound grilse on a size eight blue winged Cascade and lost another shortly after. Up on the MacIntyre Pool, Peter Easton had a five pound grilse on the fly, which he released.
Catch detail required
Under the rules of Inverness Angling Club, all anglers fishing the club waters must make a return of catches within 24 hours. This can be done simply though the club’s online form or by text to the number given in permits.
Changes to the layout of the Catch Report on the club’s web site have helped those members who were reporting some difficulty in completing the form. Here's a reminder of the information required, including some optional detail which helps to fill out the web site news reports.
Full name (mandatory)
Email (optional but this, or phone number, would help if we need to contact you
Home town (mandatory)
Permit type (mandatory)
Permit Number (mandatory)
Date of catch (mandatory)
Catch details (mandatory - Number of fish caught and individual weights in pounds)
Catch details (optional - time of catch, species, location and method)
Upload picture - optional but welcome, take pic in landscape format
Check box (mandatory)
Earlier reporting helps the web site editor to keep members up to date with reports on daily catches. And pictures are always welcome, taken in landscape format. We try to use as many as possible but can’t guarantee to use all.
Malcolm’s day to remember
Today was a good one for Inverness Angling Club member Malcolm Riddell. Fishing the west side of the Mill Stream, he hooked and landed a sea-liced grilse of over four pounds on a yellow Ally fly. “It is my first fish on the fly for many years,” said Malcolm. “Thanks to all in the club who helped me to get this far.”
It was also a good day for Graham Ross who caught his first fish of the season on the Weir Pool - a six pound fish on the fly. The Weir produced yet another fly-caught fish for Kevin Elliott, a grilse of over five pounds. Donald Macpherson Snr stuck to his favouite pool at the Cross Hedges and was rewarded with a five pound grilse.
Ally Henderson had a five pound grilse from the MacIntyre Pool on a size 12 Cascade. Gary Goddard ended an 18-month drought with a fresh eight pounder from the west bank of the Mill Stream. The successful fly was a size 10 Castle shrimp. Gary added special thanks to Neil Porter who arrived just in time with a net. At the tail of the Mill Stream, James Buchanan was at it again with a four pound grilse cagkht on a Toby and released.
On a roll: Another for Kevin
Season's first: A grilse for Graham
Delighted: Gary ends drought
Big fish for Mel
Plenty of fish have been seen on the River Ness these last two days and catches are beginning to rise as a result. After a busy day on Friday, Saturday saw some good results.
Melvin Smith topped his personal performance for the season so far with a 14 pound salmon from the tail of the Weir Pool. Ally Henderson and son Finn made it a family affair with a fish each from the west side of the Mill Stream - a seven pounder for Ally and a five pounder for Finn. Lee Mackenzie kicked off his season with two fish - a grilse of four pounds and an eight pound hen salmon.
Godon Macaloney of Glasgow had a successful visit with a four pound grilse on a black and orange Devon minnow from the MacIntyre Pool..
Big fish: Catch of the day for Mel
Released: Ally's fish from the Mill Stream
Mac livens up
The MacIntyre Pool of the club’s River Ness fishings is a long term favourite. But it really shone today with seven fish landed by early afternoon. First off the mark was James Buchanan with grilse of four and three pounds. Davie Dyce responded with three fish of 11, six and three pounds.
Chis Buce had fish of 10 and five pounds and, for good measure, a seven pounder from the west bank of the Mill Stream. The east side of the Mill Stream produced a four pound grilse for Derek Proctor on a small Devon minnow.The fish are 'bright and beautiful' as illustrated in this picture of one of the fish landed by Chris.
As evening drew in Tami Porter, fishing an Ally's Shrimp, landed a grilse of three pounds at the Little Isle.
Hats off to all!: A bright fish for Chris
Big loss for James
Kirkintilloch angler James Buchanan has had his fair share of fish from the River Ness as an associate member of Inverness Angling Club. But he was in tears today when he lost what he described as ‘the fish of a lifetime”.
Starting the day at the top of the Little Isle Pool with his favourite Toby lure, James hit a salmon on his first cast. He says: “It didn’t do much and felt fairly light, so I thought it was a grilse. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The fight started. I’d landed an 18 pounder last year and I knew that this fish was much bigger.”
The salmon fought all the way down the pool but sadly, after a 20 minute battle, came off at the start of the faster water - leaving a pretty miserable James. But he will definitely be looking for more big salmon. Some consolation came later in the day - a 12 pound salmon from the MacIntyre Pool.
Up on the Weir Pool, Jordon Grant got among the fish again with an eight pounder taken on a size 8 Cascade.
Donnie hooks four
One more catch has been reported from Tuesday - Kirkintilloch associate member James Buchanan caught and released a six pound grilse in the MacIntyre Pool.
Wednesday saw Donnie Urquhart hook and play four fish on the Weir Pool, retaining one at eight pounds, releasing one at seven pounds and losing two after good fights. All were attracted by a two inch Devon minnow. The weir also proved productive for John Sutherland who had a six pound grilse on the fly.
Chris Bruce paid a successful visit to the General's Well Pool, landing and releasing a grilse of four pounds. Meantime, just upstream on the MacIntyre Pool, Gavin Mackie retained a six pound fly-caught grilse.
Success: A Weir grilse for John
More to come….?
There was a lot of talk today of several fish being landed on the club water, but reports are awaited on some. Known catches so far are from James Robertson, with a fly-caught grilse of four pounds released at the Little Isle; a five pound grilse retained by Patrick Kerr on the MacIntyre, taken on a black and orange Devon; and another good result for Melvin Smith, with a seven pound grilse taken on the fly and released into the Weir Pool. Down on the Silver Wells, Davie Dyce caught and released a six pound grilse on the fly. The MacIntyre Pool produced another grilse, this time for Aiden MacDonald, fly-caught and retained.
Expert: Another Weir Pool catch fior Melvin
Mac for Mac: A MacIntyre grilse for Aiden
A simple system….!
It would appear that some members are unclear on the process of reporting catches and, if available, adding a picture of the fish. The process is a simple one designed to make it easy for anglers to report catches and for the club to meet requirements for catch reporting within 24 hours. The system has operated for four seasons (since 2017). It is set out in the rules contained within permits:
5.3 Every angler who catches a salmon or grilse must register their catch within 24 hours via the club web page at: http://www.invernessanglingclub.co.uk/report-catch or by text to 07702 889841 including the number of fish caught, individual weights in pounds and membership or visitor number.
Additionally, please include where the fish was caught, method used and whether the fish was retained or released.
Virtually everyone is able to utilise this system via a computer or mobile phone. The web site facility does require an e-mail address. If that is not available send a text. Some appear confused by the symbols at the end of the catch report form. Just select the symbol instructed, eg diamond, heart, star….then click send.
The option to include a picture is also simple. Click on ‘Choose a file’, select your picture, complete the form and send. Pictures are preferred in landscape form (if using a mobile phone, hold it horizontal). Before the picture is taken, anglers should remove their sunglasses. Baseball type hats should also be removed as they can darken the upper part of the face and render the picture unusable.
Finally, it is not up to club officials to complete catch reports based on a verbal telephone call or other verbal communication. The system is set up to be simple to complete and the reports are delivered automatically to officials. This includes the web site editor so that catches can be reported daily - including pictures of sparkling Ness salmon!
On the mark
Two of Inverness Angling Club’s more successful members were in the right place again today. On his first run through the Weir Pool, Kevin Elliott hooked, landed and released what he described as ‘a cracking five pound grilse’. Chris Bruce increased his tally with two grilse of four and seven pounds, both from the Little Isle and both released. The Weir Pool produced another during the day, this time to Alex Evans - a fly-caught grilse of 3.5 pounds, duly released. On beat four of the Braes, Andy Massari had a lively encounter with a big fish, which got off, before landing a seven pounder on his trusty 2.5 inch black and orange Devon.
Good grilse: For Kevin (above) and two for Chris (below)
Braes beauty: A fat fish for Andy
Quiet day
Just two salmon were landed from the IAC water today. Derek Proctor took to his favoured east bank of the Mill Stream this morning and landed a fresh seven pound salmon. It was taken on a 2.5 inch black and orange Devon minnow and safely returned. On the same pool, Chris Bruce had a six pounder, safely released.
Handle with care!
Salmon are precious creatures, especially so as the numbers running our rivers have fallen in recent years. IAC members are making a significant contribution to conservation in the Ness system by returning most of the fish they catch. Anglers are reminded that all salmon and grilse should be treated with extreme care, minimising handling by using a net at all times. This will ensure that all fish being returned have the best chance of survival to spawn and produce the next generation.
Fish on the fly
Things got a little busier on the club water of the River Ness today. Three fish were landed in the Weir Pool, all on the fly. Mel Smith had a grilse of five pounds which was retained. Duggie Dyce and John Sutherland each landed fish of eight pounds. Down on the MacIntyre Pool, Davie Dyce had two fly-caught grilse of four to five pounds, both of which were released.
Proud angler: Duggie Dyce with his fresh Ness salmon
Weir gives more
Following the catches - and losses - of Monday, strong winds made it difficult for anglers on Tuesday. While many members tried their best, just two fish was landed - James Buchanan’s reported catch and one just confirmed by Brian McBain, a seven pound grilse on fly caught and retained in the MacIntyre Pool.
In quieter weather today, the Weir Pool again gave up ‘silver tourists’. Best of the day was a 16lb salmon to the rod of Jordon Grant, caught on a Cascade tube fly and released. At the top of the pool, a piece of water often ignored in favour of the ‘hot spot’ on the second beat, David Inglis caught and retained a grilse of over four pounds on a silver and blue spot Toby. Said David: “It was a very soft take, no run and no fight, and hooked and landed in less than five minutes. I lost another of similar size 20 minutes later.”
Up on the Red Braes, Ally Henderson caught and released a grilse of four pounds.
Supeb: A big fish for Jordon
Nice grilse: First of season for David
Council thanked for banks cut
The grassy area around Inverness Angling Club’s Little Isle hut has been a source of negative comments for some time. While other areas along the banks of the River Ness have been trimmed by Highland Council teams, the long grass and weeds around the hut area remained something of an eyesore.
Members are particularly aware that the many visitors who pause at this area, on walks to the Ness Islands, must wonder why an area of such natural beauty is left so untidy. Under the terms of the lease of the fishings from Inverness Common Good Fund, the club is responsible for maintaining the river banks above the islands - and recently invested thousands of pounds in updating the equipment required. The banks downstream from that point are the responsibility of the council.
But credit is deserved when due, so anglers’ thanks go to the council as the area has now been tidied up. Hopefully, it will remain a credit to the city and a spot where anglers, locals and visitors can enjoy a very special environment.
Tidy: Anglers' gathering place at the Little Isle
Catches continue
Jim Buchanan, an associate member of Inverness Angling Club who hails from Kirkintilloch, was rewarded this morning for many hours on the river - landing and retaining a five pound grilse at the Little Isle.
Nice one!: Grilse for James
Weir scores for three
Three club members were in the right place at the right time today. Fishing the worm at the Weir Pool, which has been the most productive spot so far this season, Paul Owen landed and retained a salmon of eight pounds.
Just before high tide, Donald Macpherson Jnr caught and released a six pound hen salmon at the top of the Weir Pool. Two others were caught and safely released within a couple of hours. Kevin Elliott was also on the mark, celebrating his birthday with a nice fish on the fly.
Perfect!: A salmon for Paul
Delighted: Donald increases his tally
Fly pouch found
A pouch of flies has been found in the Whin Park are alongside the River Ness. To claim it, the owner should call Tracy Stronach on 07788 958156 and name the flies it contains.
Two grilse from club water
Two salmon were reported from the club water of the River Ness today. Jordon Grant caught and released a five pound grilse from the east bank of the Red Braes. Down at the Little Isle Pool George Mackenzie, fishing a small tube fly, hooked and landed a 3.5lb grilse which was retained as it was bleeding badly.
Success for Geraldine
It was a red letter day for IAC member Geraldine Connah, a fairly recent recruit to fly fishing and to the club. Fishing the Little Isle Pool this morning, Geraldine caught and released a six pound grilse. The fish was attracted by a Tay fly, the Aurora Cascade.
Happy lady: Grilse for Geraldine
Fish on the move
IAC member Murray Richardson has chalked up his first fish of the season from the club water with a fly-caught grilse of four pounds from the top of the Little Isle. As the week progresses, more fish are being seen on the river. Chris Bruce and Andy Massari both hooked but lost fish off the afternoon tide.
Catch reports required
Members of Inverness Angling Club, and holders of visitor and free day permits for the club fishings, are reminded of the need to report all salmon or grilse caches. These reports must be made within 24 hours of the catches, whether kept or returned. They are part of club rules and are necessary to meet government requirements.
The club provides an easy way to report catches through its web site. On the home page of the web site, scroll down and click on Report Catch. This will access the report form. Complete the form as appropriate, add a picture if available, select the starred* icon (suitcase, flag etc) and click Send.
Pictures are always welcome but the welfare of fish being released is paramount. It’s best to keep it in the water and to minimise handling. Lifting the fish ONLY by the tail can cause irreparable damage.
Grilse for Mel
Salmon and grilse are still few and far between on the club water of the River Ness - not for the want of trying as most days see plenty of anglers on the beats. Melvin Smith’s persistence paid off, however, delivering a 5.5lb grilse from the Weir Pool on Monday morning.
Ness salmon densities “excellent”
Juvenile salmon surveys of the River Ness have shown encouraging results, reports the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board. The surveys, carried out on July 18 at Dochfour and at Inverness Angling Club’s Holm Mills pool, indicated fry levels of 223/224 per 100 square metres. Parr levels were recorded at 65/66. A survey at the top of the Little Isle Pool today (July 20) showed similar results.
Fishery board CEO Chris Conroy explained: “The older salmon parr, greater than one year old, are always found in lower numbers than fry due to natural mortality and the fact that they are more widely distributed. But they are generally a better indicator of the health of the salmon population. These were not the highest densities on record but would still be classed as excellent.”
Survey: Chris Conroy (left) and fishery officer Chris Daphne at the Little Isle
Result: A good sample of fry and parr
Sorting: The juveniles are sized and recorded
Little Isle works
If you’ve missed it on Facebook, this is what faced River Ness anglers as they turned up on Monday morning to fish the Little Isle Pool. Highland Council had advised Inverness Angling Club that test bores for the My Ness artwork would be taking place, giving the club the chance to warn members through its web site. The club appreciates being kept in touch.
Unfortunately, no warning was given about the works taking place on the riverside path from the Fishermen’s car park down to the small roundabout above the infirmary. As a result, pedestrians - including anglers - had to use the adjacent narrow road, posing dangers from traffic. And a section of the car park was restricted to contractors’ vehicles. The work continues.
Boring: Tests begin at Little Isle
First for Donnie
Donnie Urquhart made a successful return to the River Ness this morning. Fishing the Weir Pool with a two-inch Devon minnow, he landed and released a fresh run grilse of some three pounds - his first of the season.
Big fish for new member
Canadian Anik Sachdeva, who works for the NHS, had a great introduction to Ness salmon fishing today. Joining the club on the £100 introductory membership, he headed for the Weir Pool and landed a 16lb salmon on a Devon minnow.
NHS colleague Kevin Greig-Elliott had encouraged Anik to take to the river but didn’t quite expect the result. At home above Holm Mains, Kevin got an urgent call for help and dashed down to the Weir to help Anik land his spectacular fish!
Downstream, the Mill Stream produced a fresh grilse for Andrew Coghill - his first salmon form the Ness for six years. And he sends a big ‘thank-you’ to new member Bobby Cunningham for his help in landing it.
Big fish: Anik with his spectacular catch
Delighted: Andrew with his long-sought fish
And another....!
Continuing effort was rewarded again today for Davie Dyce. Fishing the Little Isle Pool, Davie hooked and landed a feisty grilse of 4.5lbs - his second of the season and the third from the club waters.
Hopefully, this is a sign that catches will begin to rise. But fish are only caught if there are plenty of flies, or lures, in the water. The club beats are still short of the usual number of anglers on the water at this time of the year. More effort will mean more fish - so dust off your rods and reels and have a cast; the fish are there to be caught!
And just to confirm that fish are running the river, Peter Gardner landed a 7.5lb cock fish near the top of the Red Braes this afternoon. He was fishing an 8gm orange and silver toby style lure.
Number two: A grilse for Davie
Route change for Ruthven
Resurfacing works on the B851 will affect one of the access routes to the Loch Ruthven trout fishery this week. Part of the road, between the Inverarnie junction and the junction with the Brin-Dunlichity-Loch Ashie road, will be closed from 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday (July 13 to 17).
The alternative route to Loch Ruthven, which will be well known to many, is via the Essich road past Loch Ashie to the junction with the B862 up from Dores. A short distance along this road, take the first left which runs along the west end of Loch Duntelchaig to Loch Ruthven.
First for Davie
It’s finally happened. After numerous tugs and pulls, and a couple of dramatic losses, Davie Dyce landed his first salmon of the season today. Fishing the left bank of the Mill Stream, he landed a fly-caught grilse of 5.5lbs at the tail of the pool. Well done Davie - due reward for hours of effort and, hopefully, the first of many.
Boring to begin at Little Isle
It would seem that preparation works are about to start for the much-heralded ‘Gathering Place’ art scheme at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness. Inverness Angling Club has been advised that test boring will be carried out on the river bank on Monday morning (June 13), just upstream of the hut where vegetation has been trimmed back.
Check these flies!
With salmon now running the Ness system, this would seem a good time to review the flies contributed by club members and friends for the ‘lockdown series’. The feature was designed to maintain a busy web site - and busy tyers - during the period when rivers were closed. All the contributions can be found on the web site at Fishing/Fly patterns. And any one of the salmon flies featured could attract that elusive fish!
Flies from shielding
Ken Mackenzie has contributed a couple of what he describes as ‘freestyle Covid shielding’ flies. He hopes to be able to have a cast towards the end of July or early August, so tight lines Ken.
Freestyle: Two from Ken
Trout master!
Another fat trout near the two pound mark fell to the rod of Donald MacPherson Jnr today, this time from the east side of the Little Isle. It was taken on a silver stoat.
Taken: One for the pot
Exchange permits available
Following the relaxation of Covid-19 lockdown rules, members of Inverness Angling Club can now access exchange permits arranged with other clubs in the Highlands and north-east.
These cover the Aberdeen and District, Beauly, Dingwall and District, Loch Achonachie, Ugie and Wick Angling Clubs, and Elgin Angling Association. As specified in membership cards, use of these is limited to two per week per member on any one club water. No such restriction applies to Loch Achonachie AC. All the exchange permits can be booked and collected from Graham’s Tackle Shop. (Tel: 233178).
Sea trout for Pawel
An evening on the General’s Well Pool of Inverness Angling Club’s fishings proved worthwhile for member Paweł Nasternak. A sea trout of around 2lbs was attracted by his spinning lure and safely landed.
Pawel's prize: A feisty sea trout
Weir delivers for Mark - almost!
Today turned out to be a very special one for Mark Stanford, a new member of Inverness Angling Club who just took up fly fishing a couple of weeks ago. With some coaching from Kevin Greig-Elliott, he was out on the Weir Pool Pool getting in some important practise. And what a result - he hooked but lost two big fish at the top of the tide, within an hour and a half from 2pm! Well done Mark; keep casting and you will soon land your first!