News 2022

News 2022

Saturday, 24 December 2022 15:39

Seasons greetings


Saturday, 03 December 2022 16:28

Join the club

Membership cards for Inverness Angling Club, covering the River Ness fishings, are available now from Graham’s tackle shop in Castle Street. The families of members who traditionally purchase permits as Christmas presents may now do so — by cash or cheque.

Current adult members may continue their membership for £100, the same fee as in 2012. Free junior membership is available to those aged 17 and under. Intermediate membership, at a charge of £35, is available tho anglers aged 18 to 20 inclusive.

New members will be charged £150, subject to application to the club membership secretary, John Ralph. Application forms are available from Grahams or may be downloaded from the club’s web site — from the home page go to Fishing/Permits/River Ness permits. Associate membership, for anglers outside the club’s membership area, is available through the membership secretary.

Friday, 18 November 2022 13:48

Trophy winners

Two IAC members were recognised for their achievements during the 2022 season. As the agenda of the AGM came to an end, president Bill Byers presented the Corie Horne Trophy for the first spring salmon to Donnie Urquhart and the Angler of the Year Shield to John Sutherland.

Early starter: Trophy and a taster for Donnie

Good performer: John is Angler of the Year

Friday, 18 November 2022 13:40

Committee confirmed

The IAC annual general meeting appointed Bill Byers as president of Inverness Angling Club, Steve Watt as vice-president, James Emery as secretary and John Ralph in the combined role of treasurer and membership secretary.

They will be supported by 10 committee members — Lawrence Deans, Harry Fraser, Donnie Allan, John Sutherland, Donnie Mackay, Martin Ross, Eric MacLeay, Graham MacKenzie, Sandy Paterson, Jim McDowall and Chris Bruce.

Friday, 18 November 2022 13:39

Honoraria awarded

Four proposals were submitted to the AGM. James Jarvie proposed that the qualifying age for concessionary membership should be reduced from 12 to six years. On a vote, the proposal failed to get a majority.

The meeting approved committee proposals to maintain 2023 membership at 2022 levels; to pay an honorarium of £1,000 to the treasurer/membership secretary; and an honorarium of £1,000 by way of FishPal and Graham’s tackle vouchers for the secretary to be distributed at his discretion to members who carried out bank maintenance work and volunteered for the Moy Country Fair.

Friday, 18 November 2022 13:37

Officials report stable membership

Membership of Inverness Angling Club remains stable despite a low rate of salmon and sea trout catches. Officials reported to the club’s AGM that membership over all categories totalled 380.

Adult membership was up by two to 159, compared to 128 in 2019. New entries continued at a satisfactory rate of 42, up from 34 in the previous year.

The club enjoys a very healthy junior section comprising for young members of 17 and under who qualify for free entry. This remained strong at 93 while, at the other end of the age range, concessionary members totalled 42. Associates — those living outwith the club’s membership area — also ran to 42, including nine new.

Visitor permit sales ran to 117 day, down from 140 in the previous season.

Friday, 18 November 2022 13:35

Stock concerns aired at AGM

A report to the AGM of Inverness Angling Club on Thursday night (November 17) heard that the club plans to work with the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board (NDSFB) to develop the Little Isle and Weir burns as natural hatcheries and nurseries for salmon and trout.

The plans follow a massive clean-up of both burns by club volunteers, over several weekends, and electro fishing by fishery board specialists. Volunteers committed 225 hours to this and other bank and river maintenance over the season.

The exercise comes against a background of poor catches on the club water, with only a marginal increase in the 2022 season. Just 73 salmon and grilse were recorded with a release rate of just over 67 per cent. Sea trout catches totalled 35 with 74 per cent released.

While electro fishing has confirmed the general good health of salmon fry and parr stocks, members expressed significant concerns about losses of smolts through the Caledonian Canal. This will be a matter of continuing discussions between club officials, fishery board and environmental organisations.

Sunday, 13 November 2022 17:46

AGM proposals

Several proposals have been submitted for consideration at Inverness Angling Club’s annual general meeting in Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall at 7 for 7.30pm on Thursday, November 17.

Club member Jim Jarvie has proposed a change to the qualifying age for concessionary membership, amending item 3.1 of the constitution to read: “Concessionary membership will be granted to pensioners (of state pension age) with a minimum of six years consecutive membership prior to application.”

The committee has submitted three proposals:
1 — To maintain club subscriptions for 2023 at 2022 levels.
2 — To pay an honorarium of £1,000 to the treasurer/membership secretary in respect of additional work and expenses due to Covid.
3 — To pay an honorarium of £1,000 by way of FishPal and Grahams tackle vouchers to the secretary for award, at his discretion, to those members who carried out bank maintenance work and volunteered at the Moy Country Fair.

Sunday, 06 November 2022 17:49

Your committee needs you

Clubs and associations depend on the regular recruitment of willing members to manage the organisation’s affairs. Inverness Angling Club is no different. Its committee forms the backbone of the club and is crucial to its continuing health.

As the angling club’s AGM approaches, it is time for those who care for the future of the club to commit a little of their time and wisdom to managing club activities. Please come along to the Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall at 7 for 7.30pm on Thursday, November 17, and indicate your willingness to stand for election. All that is asked is that you make a sincere commitment to playing your part.

The club is particularly interested in recruiting young adult members to the committee in order to give our younger age groups a voice in club affairs. All too often, committee membership tends to be weighted towards older members. A broader age range would enable the committee fully to represent its membership.

Saturday, 05 November 2022 19:45

An Untold Story

A TV treat is in store for salmon anglers — and all interested in restoring the riverine environment — from Monday (November 7). Riverwoods: An Untold Story explores the interconnection between the health of Scotland’s watercourses, the wildlife that lives in them and the landscapes through which they flow. The film will be broadcast on 5Select at 8pm on Monday (November 7) and repeated at 7pm on Sunday, November 13.

Created by the team at rewilding charity Scotland: The Big Picture, the film focuses on the perilous state of Scotland’s salmon and the degraded river catchments which have become accepted as ‘normal’. It shows how once bountiful rivers have been greatly diminished, but also how they could be reborn through restoration.


Monday, 24 October 2022 15:38

Good deed by Geraldine

As Inverness Angling Club’s annual fly tying class is about to start for the 2022/2023 season, one popular participant has decided not to continue.

Geraldine Connah is a committed angler and club member but has decided that fly tying is not for her. Her influence will remain, however, as she has donated a handsome pack of tools and materials she no longer needs so that beginners benefit from her withdrawal.

The class begins its run in Hilton Community Centre from 7 to 8.30pm on Wednesday evening (October 26) and will run each Wednesday to the end of February, with a break for the festive season. It is open to all and does not require club membership. Beginners, and juniors of 17 and under, are welcome.

Thursday, 20 October 2022 16:17

Notice of AGM

In compliance with items 6.1 and 6.2 of the constitution, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Inverness Angling Club will be held at Raigmore Hospital Recreation Hall on Thursday, 17th November, 2022, at 7 for 7.30pm.

Under Rule 2, any notices of motion intended to be submitted to the AGM must be made in writing, signed by the member giving the notice and delivered to the secretary 10 clear days before the date of the meeting.

Members are also reminded that fully completed annual catch returns should be submitted by October 23., Any returns not fully completed may incur a penalty of £20.

Saturday, 15 October 2022 17:36

BBQ closes IAC season

Inverness Angling Club’s salmon season closed today (October 15) with an enjoyable barbecue alongside the Mill Stream Pool of the River Ness.

A good gathering of members and friends was sustained in cold but dry weather with delicious, home-made soup and a choice of beef or venison burgers, followed by a dram or two.

Chefs Davie Dyce and Ally Henderson performed well while Lawrence Deans, supported by his wife and daughter, delivered drinks and organised a successful raffle. The draw raised £305 which will support the costs of running the three club huts throughout next season.

Chatty group: As ever, the craic was good!

Chatty chefs: The boys did well!


Friday, 14 October 2022 13:56

BBQ change of venue

Members and friends of Inverness Angling Club planning to attend the club’s traditional close of season BBQ tomorrow (Saturday) should note that the organisers have changed the venue. It will now take place at the Mill Stream hut from 12 noon.

Please note that the area adjacent to the hut is closed to vehicles, as a safety measure. Cars can park in the upper area of the Holm Mills Shopping Centre, avoiding the areas marked for buses.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022 16:45

Peter gets two

The Red Braes Pool of the River Ness tends to come into its own as autumn arrives, taking its name from the magnificent colours of the surrounding trees. And with a good height of water it can deliver a few fish.

The Braes proved the place to be today (October 12) for club member Peter Easton. He landed and released two fish weighing five pounds and 12 pounds, taking the club’s reported catch for the season so far to 72.

It’s a poor total for a club more used to seasonal catches well into three figures. But with the season closing this Saturday (October 15) there’s a chance to add a few more.

Saturday, 08 October 2022 11:41

Net found

A folding angling net has been found on the Holm Woollen Mills side of the Mill Stream Pool. The owner can claim the net at Inverness Angling Club’s hut at the Little Isle Pool.

Thursday, 06 October 2022 14:59

Malcolm raises catch total

At last — the first salmon from Inverness Angling Club’s beats since September 14 was landed and released today. The fortunate angler was Malcolm Riddell, fishing the Braes Pool with a gold Toby.

The coloured fish, estimated at 12 pounds, raised the total number of salmon and grilse reported for the season to 70. Hopefully, a few more will be caught before the season ends on October 15.

Monday, 03 October 2022 21:35

Time for returns

The end of Inverness Angling Club’s 2022 season is fast approaching with the last opportunity to nail a fish being Saturday, October 15.

Members are reminded that they are required to submit a fully completed, and signed, annual return of catches — on the card attached to their permit — no later than October 23. These should include nil returns and fishing effort in days per month. See Rule 5.4.

Completed cards can be placed in boxes at the tackle shop of Grahams of Inverness, in the whisky shop at Holm Woollen Mills and at the Little Isle hut. Alternatively, returns can be submitted online through the club’s web site —

Saturday, 01 October 2022 17:21

Tying classes come close

Inverness Angling Club’s fly tying classes begin on Wednesday, October 26, from 7 pm to 8.30 pm in Hilton Community Centre. Anyone who would like to attend, but has not yet made contact, should drop a text to Alan Scott at 07785 287995. Tools and materials are available for beginners to get them off to a good start.

Retired civil engineer and club member James Livingstone has very kindly donated tools and materials he no longer needs for use at the classes. Donations would be welcome from any tyers who have tools and materials surplus to their requirements.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 16:53

Former president passes away

John ‘Jocky’ Macdonald, a much respected member of Inverness Angling Club, has died at the age of 91. Jocky made a significant contribution to the club over many years, serving as a member of the committee and president. The club extends its sincere condolences to his family.

This picture from the Highland News of June 8, 1988, shows Jocky (fourth from right)

at the club's annual Casting Clinic, found in the records of Graham MacKenzie (left)

Friday, 16 September 2022 16:12

Marathon checks Little Isle access

For safety and logistical reasons, access to the Little Isle Pool and its associated car park will be affected by the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon and Festival of Running in the period from 1.30 pm on Friday, September 30, to midday on Monday, October 3. Bught Road will be closed over these days. Additionally, the car park will be affected by significant logistics movements on Wednesday, September 28.

Inverness Angling Club members are asked to park in the RNI car park wherever possible. Disabled members, or those with limited mobility, will be allowed access towards the Little Isle car park. Depending on the weather, they will be directed to park hard right on the Bught Park. Access for disabled or limited mobility members will be via Ballifeary Road and the Ness Walk junction roundabout where they should show their membership card and disability pass where appropriate. A site manager will co-ordinate this movement.

The organisers will ensure that stewards are briefed that use of the Little Isle Fisherman’s car park will be possible. Access and showing of passes will be at the Ballifeary Road/Ness Walk junction roundabout. Site Manager contact details: Mark 07864 541331 

Wednesday, 14 September 2022 20:45

Cascade catch for Willie

Inverness Angling Club’s lean period continued with only one fish being reported in recent days. Willie Clark was the lucky angler, landing and releasing an eight pound hen salmon from the Mill Stream this afternoon. His catch, on a Cascade fly, was just the fifth fish for the month, bringing the total for the season to date to 69.

Saturday, 10 September 2022 13:43

Fly tying classes to re-start

The Cascade Fly Tying Group — the off-season activity run in association with Inverness Angling Club — will begin on Wednesday, October 26. It will be held in Hilton Community Centre from 7 to 8.30 pm each Wednesday evening to the end of February. Experienced tyers and beginners are welcome.

Previous participants are being contacted directly by e-mail or text. Newcomers to the classes can pick up registration forms from the club’s hut at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness. Juniors of 17 years and under are welcome. Their registrations must be signed by a parent or guardian. All registrations should be returned by Friday, October 7, to the address given on the form.

The classes will be led by skilled tutors Graham Forbes, Graham MacKenzie and David Mateer. Tools and materials will be provided for those who have no experience of fly tying, for use until they decide to purchase their own. Adults will be charged an entry fee of £2 per night to help meet accommodation costs. Junior entry will be free.

Concentration: Eric MacLeay demonstrates his skills

Friday, 09 September 2022 12:27

‘Kingfisher’ lands his first for month

Davie Dyce broke his month-long lean spell today with a seven pound fly-caught salmon from Provan’s Pool, which lies on the east side of the Ness Islands just below the MacIntyre. It has been a lean spell for the club water overall with just four fish caught over the first nine days of September.

Thursday, 08 September 2022 11:26

Check and report small ‘sea trout’

Following a report of an escape of smolts from a salmon farm on Loch Ness, Ness board director Brian Shaw is seeking the help of club anglers in identifying any that may move down the River Ness.

Brian asks that anglers catching what appears to be small sea trout should take a picture and release the fish. Pictures should be sent, with an idea of the size of the fish, to Brian Shaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thursday, 08 September 2022 11:11

Last chance to give your views

A consultation by the Scottish Government on possible measures for the conservation of Atlantic salmon closes tomorrow (September 9). Inverness Angling Club (IAC) is encouraging its members to give their views as the government is hinting at introducing mandatory catch and release.

Having had previous experience of mandatory measures, IAC believes such action could lead to the collapse of many angling clubs. Instead, the club supports the continuation of current conservation measures limiting the number of salmon that can be killed in a season, Anglers can give their views through the following link:

Saturday, 03 September 2022 17:28

One for the day

The ‘garden fly’ was Ally Henderson’s choice for the MacIntyre Pool today. And it worked, bringing him a grilse of three pounds, duly released.

Friday, 02 September 2022 22:01

Gordon builds his catch

Catches have been few and far between on the town beat of the River Ness this week. But the General’s Well proved to be a good spot for Gordon Macmillan today. He landed a slightly coloured five pound cock fish, raising his season’s catch so far to four grilse — all released.

Thursday, 01 September 2022 12:59

Lucky for some

Bright conditions and low water levels have not put off Ness anglers over the last week or two and their perseverance brought rewards for some.

Brian McBain landed and released a three pound grilse on the fly on the MacIntyre Pool on August 25. Charlie Dyce had a good six pounder on the Little Isle Pool on August 26 while John Benson, fly fishing the east side of the Little Isle, landed and released a three pound grilse.

Lee Mackenzie has also been in action but full detail is awaited.

[Note: A laptop problem has delayed this post but news reports should now return to normal]

Tuesday, 23 August 2022 19:17

Weir produces another for Donnie

It’s been a quiet week on the River Ness so far but Donnie Urquhart sparked some action on the Weir Pool early this afternoon. Turning to the fly, he hooked, landed and retained a salmon of eight pounds. It turned out to be the sixtieth catch reported this season.


Tuesday, 23 August 2022 14:40

Give your views on river gradings

The Scottish Government is consulting on proposed river gradings for 2023 and beyond. It is understood that government is also discussing mandatory catch and release of three to five years for all of Scotland’s rivers. It is important that as many anglers as possible give their views through the consultation process. Click on the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser, and complete the consultation form.

Inverness Angling Club supports the continuation of the current conservation policy for the entire Ness System. This follows the government’s mandatory catch and release period up to the end of March and extends it to the end of June. From July 1 to October 15 anglers in the Ness system are limited to taking two cock salmon of under eight pounds per season, and only one in any given week. All hen and coloured fish must be released.

Saturday, 20 August 2022 22:49

Works team clear up

Members of IAC’s works team have been out and about on the river over the last week clearing up debris.

Along with Chris Bruce, secretary James Emery removed two trolleys, a bike, a kiddy’s scooter and various items of clothing from the Island Pass, which runs to the west of the main island. They also cleared the intake of the old Mill Lade, which runs past the Weir Pool, and removed two more trolleys from the lade itself.

Down on the MacIntyre Pool, John Sutherland and visiting associate member Ian Jennings removed a trolley festooned with weed, Tobies, Flying C’s and Rapalas. All the rubbish was collected by Highland Council staff for appropriate disposal.

Clearance: Chris Bruce and pal with rubbish from the Island Pass

Saturday, 20 August 2022 08:33

BBQ heralds end of season

Members and friends of Inverness Angling Club will gather by the MacIntyre Pool hut from 10 am on Saturday, October 15 -- the last day of the 2022 salmon season -- for the traditional end-of-season barbecue. Please note that this is a necessary change to the date first posted. All donations of raffle prizes will be gratefully received.

Friday, 19 August 2022 13:13

First for Brian

He’s only been fishing the River Ness for three weeks but Brian Wallace had an exciting encounter with his first salmon today. Fishing an orange Cascade on the Weir Pool he landed and retained a grilse of five pounds. Well done Brian — may this be the first of many.

Long-term angler Lawrence Deans also saw success this evening. He landed and retained a 4.5lb grilse on a two inch Devon minnow.

A good start: Brian with his first Ness fish

Thursday, 18 August 2022 17:06

Cracker for Chris

Bright conditions continued to limit catches on the River Ness this week but Chris Bruce struck it lucky today (August 18) with the heaviest salmon since the end of June. Fishing the Weir Pool with his 11ft switch rod, he hooked a lively fish which gave him a ‘fair battle’ until landed and released. Its weight was estimated at 13lbs.

Monday, 15 August 2022 11:56

Early start gets results

Donald Macpherson and Gordon Macmillan were out early on the River Ness this morning in the hope of attracting a fish. And their luck was in.

Donald landed and retained a six pound grilse from the west side of the MacIntyre Pool using a fly on which Donnie Cameron had hooked and lost a fish earlier on.

There was some disappointment for Gordon, fishing a single hook spinner on the General’s Well Pool. His catch, a five pound fish, was foul hooked in the right fin. He did the right thing and released it.

Saturday, 13 August 2022 09:30

Saturday scores

A couple of bright days seemed to curtail catches on Inverness Angling Club’s water although plenty of fish were seen moving through the pools. The inactive days ended at the Weir Pool this morning when Rapala replaced Toby for John Sutherland and brought him a grilse of four pounds which was released.

Down on the Little Isle Pool, one club member has already got the end of the season in mind. Chris Bruce unleashed his switch rod to tackle a strong east wind and managed to catch a six pound grilse, despite blazing sunshine. It was retained to serve as the main dish at the club's traditional end-of-season BBQ.

These two fish brought the month's catch to 35 at August 13 and 52 for the 2022 season so far.

Saturday, 13 August 2022 09:28

A dangerous practise!

Most anglers are aware of the potential hazards of carelessly discarded fishing line and hooks. But there are a few — even within the membership of Inverness Angling Club! — who seem to believe that leaving line around to entangle birds and animals is acceptable.

Death by entanglement in line that doesn’t deteriorate is not pretty, as anyone who has witnessed it can testify. While this unacceptable practise can affect any of the pools on the club beats, it seems to be particularly prevalent at the Weir Pool.

Anglers who fish there are asked to take any waste line away with them, cut it up into small pieces and dispose of it properly. Those who see anglers dropping lengths of line are asked to politely point out the dangers of doing so. Education is a wonderful thing…!


Unnecessary: Chop into small bits and dispose of properly

Unacceptable: Put it in your pocket or bag

Dangerous: This is a risk to humans as well as animals

Friday, 12 August 2022 21:03

Lost a net?

A triangular folding net has been found at the MacIntyre Pool on Inverness Angling Club’s town beats. It has been taken to the Little Isle hut for safe keeping and the owner can claim it there. Club officials can usually be found there on weekday mornings.

Friday, 12 August 2022 20:51

Hard work delivers success

Angler’s Corner is a key element of the Moy Country Fair and has been organised and managed by Inverness Angling Club for decades. But it would not achieve its annual success without the commitment and hard work of many people.

Leading them this year were Steve Watt, Bill Byers, Donny Mackay, Aiden MacDonald, Lawrence and Laura Deans, Graham MacKenzie, James Stewart, James Emery, James Craib and Kirsty and Sandy Paterson; instructors Frank Durdle, Heather Carey and Scott MacKenzie; and Eric Macleay, Malcolm Riddell and Martin Macleod.

The club expresses its sincere thanks to all — and to sponsors Tomatin Distillery, Grahams of Inverness, HIS and Scott MacKenzie and, for catering, Kirsty Craib, Nigel Kaka and Paige Glendinning.

The sale of club merchandise and a raffle raised £240 while competition entry and tuition fees totalled £316.

Friday, 12 August 2022 20:49

Angler’s Corner makes welcome return

Fishermen and the general public enjoyed the return of Angler’s Corner to the recharged Moy Country Fair. Inverness Angling Club ensured that expert coaching helped those new to angling get to grips with trout and salmon rods while casting competitions saw the best win worthwhile prizes.

Friday results
Salmon casting - Men - 1 Joe Gilchrist 47 yards, 2 Scott ‘The Piper’ Hay 46 yards. Women - Cheyenne Stronach 35 yards, 2 Tracy Stronach 29 yards. Junior - 1 James Stewart 40 yards, 2 Brody McQueen 39 yards.
Trout targets - Men - 1 Duncan Shelley 65 points, James Fairlie 60 points. Junior - James Stewart 42 points, 2 Brody McQueen 22 points.

Saturday results
Salmon casting - Men - 1 Jordon Grant 50 yards, 2 Robert Dine 48 yards. Women -1 Camryn Stewart 41 yards, 2 Deirdre Stewart 39 yards. Junior girls - Paige Glendinning 29 yards. Junior boys - James Stewart 41 yards, Daniel Grant 38 yards.
Trout targets - Men - 1 Brian Shaw 62 points, 2 = George MacIntosh and Ewan Mason 40 points. Women - Alison Christie 30 points. Junior boys - James Stewart 15 points.

Competition: Aiden MacDonald goes for a long cast

Coaching: Steve Watt passes on his experience

Pictures by Donnie Mackay

Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:18

Council confirms doggie can stay

The Highland Council has confirmed that the timber Labrador sculpture installed by members of Inverness Angling Club at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness can stay.

The sculpture, placed in front of the Fishermen’s Hut, has been named Breac in a competition run by the Inverness Courier. Since its installation, Breac has attracted the attention of hundreds of visitors and local folk enjoying walks on the banks of the River Ness. The overall response is positive.

Many anglers have taken to the habit of stroking the head of the sculpture to give them good luck before starting to fish.

Handsome addition: Breac stands guard at the Fishermen;s Hut

Wednesday, 10 August 2022 18:58

River regulation for 2023

The Scottish Government has begun consultations on the classification of salmon river systems for 2023. It proposes that the River Ness remains in Category 2, as has been the case for the last few years.

The outcome of an assessment of the conservation status of salmon in inland waters for the 2023 season, including proposed gradings for rivers, is available on the Scottish Government website. Scottish Ministers propose to continue to prohibit the retention of any salmon caught in coastal waters. 

To access the Ness, go to link  enter River Ness into the box Choose area to display, then click in the box Press to update display.

The Scottish Government is also seeking views on the encouragement of voluntary measures to enhance catch and release rates to 100% across the whole of Scotland. This would potentially involve amending legislation to prohibit the retention of Atlantic salmon on all rivers in Scotland, regardless of their river grading.

Wednesday, 10 August 2022 18:17

Gordon gets the 50th

The 50th fish of Inverness Angling Club’s 2022 season was landed today (August 10), equalling the full season total of last year. The lucky angler was Gordon Macmillan, fishing a minnow on the Mill Stream. Despite bright conditions he landed and released a cock grilse of six pounds.

Hopefully, catches will continue throughout the season to the close on October 15, perhaps matching some of the higher catch totals previously expected on the Ness. With fish being caught virtually every day it’s well worth getting the rods out and having a go.

Tuesday, 09 August 2022 08:51

And so it continues……!

The Weir Pool has delivered more grilse this morning. First from the pool, just under the Holm Bridge, was a six pound cock fish landed and released on a Flying C by John Sutherland. Next was James Buchanan with a similar fish on a Toby. This one was retained.

Down on the MacIntyre, Roy Gibson caught a 5.5lb grilse which was retained as it was bleeding badly. Liam Campbell closed a good day at the Weir Pool with a bright grilse of 4.5lb taken on a Flying C and retained.Should another fish be caught today the club will equal the total catch for the whole of last season.

Bright grilse: Liam lands a nice one from the Weir

Monday, 08 August 2022 11:06

Week starts well

It was a good start to the week on Inverness Angling Club’s water with the early hours alone seeing three fish landed. Along with catches later in the day, these brought the season’s catch so far to 44 salmon and grilse, compared to the total of 50 recorded in the whole of last season.

Long-time member Jimmy Craib made a successful return to his favoured Mill Stream, landing and releasing a five pound grilse on a Cascade.

The fly was also the right choice for Alex Evans who caught a similar sized grilse on the Weir Pool, landing it under the Holm Bridge. It was attracted by one of his own tied flies and retained.

John Sutherland was back on the Weir Pool this morning before heading to work — landing and releasing another five pound grilse.

For James Buchanan, an associate member of the club who hails from Kirkintilloch, a visit to the Weir also brought a result -- a 3.5lb grilse taken on a Toby just below the bridge and released. Chris Bruce added to his tally with a 4lb grilse which was released. David McDiarmid was also in luck, landing and retaining a seven pound cock fish from the Weir on a yellow Flying C.

Visitors Dave and Jonathan Kowal, all the way from Reading, had an enjoyable day catching some sporty brown trout and sea trout which were released.

Success: One of his own flies got a result for Alex

And more: John lands his sixth fish of the season

Saturday, 06 August 2022 09:40

Grilse run continues

The River Ness is experiencing one of its biggest grilse runs for many years if catches on Inverness Angling Club’s beats are anything to go by. July’s total was 12 grilse while the August total up to Friday was 20. It was more of the same from John Sutherland come Saturday morning. Fishing a silver Toby though the Wei Pool, he caught and released two grilse of five pounds each — raising the August catch so far to 22.

Inverness Angling Club enjoys welcoming visitors from many parts of the country -- and the world. Friday saw Mr B Brighton of New Zealand fish the beats on a day permit. And he was really impressed. He said: "Lovely day, great bunch of guys at the fisherman's hut, plenty fish but unfortunately I didn't hook any. I'll be back next year. Thanks." Glad you had a good time -- Haste ye back!

Saturday, 06 August 2022 08:06

Alan’s lucky morning

Friday (August 5) was a lucky morning for IAC member Alan Davidson on his favourite bit of water at the Little Isle. He caught and released a six pound grilse, with the help of club treasurer and membership secretary John Ralph, then lost another “as my knot gave in”.

Davie Dyce was in action again in the evening, catching and releasing two grilse in Provan’s Pool on the east side of the top island.

Thursday, 04 August 2022 17:21

Three for John

There wasn’t a ‘thumper’ off the Weir Pool for John Sutherland today, but he definitely made a hat-trick. Fishing a silver Toby, he landed three grilse of two pounds, 3.5 pounds and five pounds — a really good result on the club water. The smaller fish were released, the five pounder retained.

The Weir Pool also delivered fly-caught grilse for another two club members -- a four pounder released for Frank Rabbeth and one of 7.5lbs for Alan Douglas, retained. Davie Dyce had a grilse of five pounds which he released in the MacIntyre Pool.

Wednesday, 03 August 2022 11:06

Record for Gary

Wednesday got off to an early start with Ken Polus adding to his tally, landing and releasing a fly-caught grilse of three pounds at the Weir. Ross Anderson was also on the mark with a similar sized fish on the same pool, taken on the fly and retained.

The evening saw Gary Goddard reach a satisfying milestone. Fishing the Mill Stream, he caught and released a five pound grilse at 18.40. "That's a new record for me," said Gary, "two fish in one season." `It was caught on a size 10 copper and black Cascade. The evening also brought success for George Mackenzie who landed and released a six pound grilse at the Little Isle.

Tuesday, 02 August 2022 17:15

Grilse from Silver Wells

Following Monday’s fairly busy day on the catch front, things appeared quiet early on in the day. Neil Porter caught a four pound grilse in the Silver Wells. He had intended to release the fish but it was bleeding heavily so it was retained. It was a very good day for Roy Gibson. Turning from fly to the spinner to defeat a strong wind, he caught and released a five pound grilse -- his first fish from the Ness in six years.

Tuesday, 02 August 2022 06:55

Catch returns

Club members are reminded that the best way to register their catches is through the club web site. Click on the Report Catch icon on the home page to bring up an easy-to-complete form and send as instructed.

An alternative is by text but the number given at Rule 5.3 in permits should be ignored. Texts should be sent to treasurer and membership secretary John Ralph at the number given in permits.

Monday, 01 August 2022 19:32

Club acts to keep river clean

The works team of Inverness Angling Club are totally committed to keeping the river and riverside clean and tidy. Part of that is ensuring that they tackle not-so-public areas that some people treat as a dumping ground.

One such area is the lade that runs alongside Island Bank Road which, if clean, could help strengthen the river’s trout and salmon stocks. The team has worked hard to help ensure that the potential of this nursery area is fully realised.

Club secretary James Emery has completed another clean-up operation — and the results are amazing considering that this is the fourth time such a pile of waste has been pulled from the water.

Lade rubbish: Disgusting and dangerous

Monday, 01 August 2022 13:18

Polished pet

A handsome sculpture of a dog, carefully crafted from pine, has drawn hundreds of admirers since it was installed at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness by members of Inverness Angling Club and skilled friends.

It also captured the attention of a retired craftsman who offered to apply his polishing skills to fill in surface cracks in the artistic doggie addition to the club's traditional gathering place. Ian Ward, a native of Nairn, served his time as a French polisher in Inverness.

Ian was delighted to use his 40-year-old ball of beeswax, and hard-won skills, to bring out the best in the sculpture — ready for the result of a naming competition launched by the Inverness Courier.

Master of his craft: Ian Ward enhances the sculpture

Monday, 01 August 2022 10:07

A brace for Ken

IAC member Ken Polus made a great start to the week today. Fishing the fly on the Weir Pool, he landed two fish — a four pound cock grilse which he retained and a six pound hen which he released.

Fish were also taken downstream. Ally Henderson landed and released a seven pound cock grilse in the tail of the McIntyre on a size 12 Cascade. Just below, in the General's Well, Chris Bruce caught and released a four pound grilse. Charlie Dyce completed the day with a seven pound cock grilse from the Little Isle, which he retained.

Success: One of two for Ken

Nice one: Grilse for Ally

Saturday, 30 July 2022 20:44

Fourth for Donnie

The Weir Pool delivered again today for Donnie Urquhart. He hooked and released his fourth fish of the season — a grilse of six pounds — again on a Devon minnow.

Saturday, 30 July 2022 12:56

Grilse for Brian

Another fish was caught on Thursday (July 28) -- a six pound fly-caught grilse retained by Brian McBain on the MacIntyre Pool. Brian was the victim of the changed contact number for texts of catches. The number given in rule 5.3 of the permit should be ignored. Reports through the web site are preferred but texts can be sent to treasurer and membership secretary John Ralph whose number is listed in permits. Brian's catch has now been formally registered.

Friday, 29 July 2022 16:59

Mill delivers

Ness anglers have reported catches of two fish, both taken on the Mill Stream. On Thursday, Gordon MacMillan’s spun minnow attracted a six pound grilse which he retained. A small Dee sheep tube proved successful on Friday for Stephen Urquhart on the west bank, landing a five pound grilse which he released.

Thursday, 28 July 2022 14:57

Prize appeal

Inverness Angling Club is seeking donations of prizes for its raffle at Anglers Corner during the Moy Country Fair on Friday and Saturday, August 5 and 6. All prizes will be gratefully received. They can be handed in at the Little Isle hut or club officials can be contacted through details in membership cards.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022 17:41

Fish for two

Are catches about to become more regular? After two fish were landed on Tuesday, another two were caught at the Weir Pool on Wednesday. Malcolm Stephen landed and retained a six pound grilse while Donnie Urquhart's Devon minnow helped him to continue his successful run with a nine pound salmon which was released.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022 13:38

Donnie’s Devon strikes again

Donnie Urquhart got Inverness Angling Club’s 2022 season off to a start on April 13 with a 16lb salmon caught and released at the Weir Pool. His trusty Devon saw him in action on the Weir Pool again on Tuesday, landing a 6.5lb grilse from the same pool which he retained.

Another fish was landed on Tuesday evening. Working his way down the west bank of the MacIntyre Pool, member Patrick Kerr caught and released a six pound grilse on a minnow.

Although anglers are seeing more fish moving in the river, catches remain quiet. Patrick's fish was the eleventh from the club water so far — not a great total given historic catches. But more rods on the water would increase the chances of more fish being landed.

Monday, 25 July 2022 11:49

Club seeks fair help

Inverness Angling Club has renewed its appeal for volunteers to help run Anglers Corner at the Moy Country Fair. It is key part of the fair — presenting casting competitions, coaching and lots of good craic for anglers from all parts of the country. It has been run by club members for many years.

Volunteers are being sought for two to three hours from 6.30 pm on Wednesday, August 3, to set up facilities. They are also needed to help run Anglers Corner from 09.30 am on Friday and Saturday, August 5 and 6. Free passes will be provided.

Members who are able to assist in any way, on any of the days, should add their names to the list in the Little Isle hut, or call Bill Byers or James Emery. Their contact numbers are in club membership cards.

Thursday, 21 July 2022 09:44

Early start brings results

Bright conditions and low water have not discouraged some IAC members from seeking that elusive salmon.

An early start today (Thursday) saw Donnie Allan net and release a four pound grilse from the Weir Pool on an Ally's Shrimp. The pool was really ‘showing its bones’ as water levels fell but rain has now helped a little. He also landed a 1.5lb sea trout which he retained for the table.

Netted: Donnie's fish from the Weir

Wednesday, 20 July 2022 13:43

Real art graces the isle

An attractive piece of art will finally grace the Little Isle Pool whose natural beauty was disfigured by the construction of a so-called ‘wall of art’.

A fine canine example of power saw art is now keeping anglers company in front of Inverness Angling Club’s hut. This is the long-term gathering place for locals and visitors before consultant artists for The Highland Council nicked the name for their ill-conceived example.

The timber sculpture - a carved image of a seated Labrador - was rescued and donated by club vice president Steve Watt. It needed a major clean-up and treatment prior to installation in which Steve was assisted by retired builder Willie Macbeath and club member Charlie Dyce. Since its installation it has attracted the attention and appreciation not only of local folk but dozens of visitors on trips into Inverness from cruise ships berthing at the port of Invergordon.

Artistic: The power sawn Labrador graces the Little Isle

Wednesday, 20 July 2022 13:38

Anglers save Highland holiday

Quick action by Inverness anglers will enable a group of young Polish visitors to continue to enjoy their Highland holiday.

The five young ladies were packing up their tent after camping in the beautiful River Ness Islands when a gust of wind took it into the river. Chasing it downstream they called on the help of anglers at the Little Isle who quickly came to the rescue.

Davie Dyce demonstrated his casting skills by hooking the tent and gradually bringing it closer to shore where Donnie Mackay waded in to complete the unusual ‘catch’.

Happy: Nella (left) and Julia with their rescued tent

Wednesday, 20 July 2022 08:42

Stock check

Staff of the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board (NDSFB) regularly check stock levels in waters throughout the Ness System. Previous checks in the club water have shown satisfactory stocks of salmon fry and parr.

The board will be electro fishing the club water again this coming Friday (July 22). Any club members interested in observing should meet at the Little Isle hut by 9am, kitted out with wellies or waders.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022 08:54

First on fly

Charlie Dyce celebrated his first season fishing the fly yesterday (Monday) with a five pound grilse from the Little Isle. The fish was retained. Bright sunshine discouraged other anglers from venturing out on the river but there was some good craic on the banks.

Friday, 15 July 2022 15:35

Club to secure legal support

The committee of Inverness Angling Club has agreed to subscribe to Fish Legal, the UK organisation founded by ‘legal eagle’ anglers in 1948 to defend and protect the rights of anglers and fisheries. While the Ness District Salmon Fishery Board is a member, the club cannot ‘piggy back’ on that.

The committee hopes that Fish Legal will be able to advise and represent the club in relation to reduced access to its fishings, and in a rent review due in 2024. Other benefits include favourable insurance terms and representations against polluters and developments by planners.

Friday, 15 July 2022 13:36

Works team clears lades

Inverness Angling Club’s works team is making significant progress on key jobs around the club beat, which it manages for Inverness Common Good Fund.

Over recent Sundays, the team — involving vice president Steve Watt and secretary James Emery, with Tony Quinn, Chris Bruce, Davie Dyce, ‘Thumper’ Sutherland and his son — has cleared a small mountain of rubbish from the lade alongside Island Bank Road. The waste included 28 traffic cones, a car tyre and exhaust, a carpenter’s hand saw, clothing and footwear, numerous cans, bottles and plastic bags, along with CDs and a tub of margarine…!

River director Brian Shaw joined James for a walk along the lade recently and spotted a number of parr and a few brownies. Brian and his team plan to electro fish the lade in the next few weeks.

Said James: “Following the works, the increased flow has cleaned some areas and exposed gravel beds which could form future redds. The lade adjacent to the Weir Pool still needs some work. Once done a plan will be developed in line with the Habitat Survey recommendations for using both lades as natural hatcheries and nurseries.”

Rubbish: Just a sample of the items removed

Before: An indication of the task faced

After: A tidy lade ready to receive young fish

Thursday, 14 July 2022 11:12

Ness stalwart passes away

One of the longest-serving members of Inverness Angling Club has passed away, breaking yet another link with past long casting, fish catching stalwarts of the River Ness.

Billy Thomson died in Raigmore Hospital on July 6 at the grand old age of 91. Although unable to fish for a number of years, he was a regular visitor to the Little Isle to contribute to fishy tales. He will be missed by his angling friends.

Arrangements for a private cremation are being made by D Chisholm and Sons.

Monday, 04 July 2022 20:24

Grilse for two

Mondays can be good for salmon fishing with the river having been rested over the weekend. And so it proved for two members of Inverness Angling Club. George Mackenzie hooked and landed his second fish of the season from the Little Isle. The fresh grilse of around four pounds took the favoured fly of last week, a thunder and lightning bottle tube. George attempted to release the fish but his efforts failed so it was retained.

The day was also a good one for Kevin Elliott. Using a yellow tube, he too landed a sparkling grilse from the Little Isle. His fish weighed in at three pounds and was safely released.

Friday, 01 July 2022 13:39

Grilse for Davie

Catches continued on the angling club water of the River Ness this morning following two good salmon landed yesterday. Davie Dyce took to west bank of the MacIntyre Pool where he landed and released a sparkling grilse on the fly.

Thursday, 30 June 2022 16:19

Gary gets lucky

The second salmon of the day, caught at around three pm, came from the Mill Stream. It was lured by a size 8 Red Cascade fly on the rod of Gary Goddard. Weighing around 15lbs, it was safely released.

Good for Gary: A liced fish from the Mill

Thursday, 30 June 2022 13:37

Contractor restores isle beauty

A Highland firm of contractors has worked its magic on the area around the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness. Over the last few days, Brandon Landscaping has restored the area to its former beauty — levelling off after the ‘art wall’ construction, installing steps, removing untidy bushes and, finally, laying turf.

The works have been supervised by Robert McCubbin of The Highland Council whose considerate consultation is much appreciated by Inverness Angling Club. The Little Isle is a key part of the fishery the club manages for Inverness Common Good Fund and a popular gathering place for anglers and tourists.


Restored: The bank of the Little Isle

Thursday, 30 June 2022 13:35

President hails clinic support

Following the last session of Inverness Angling Club’s annual Casting Clinics, interim president Bill Byers sent his thanks to all who took part.

“The clinics are an important contribution to trout and salmon angling in the area,” said Bill. “They develop and refine casting skills which help to bring greater enjoyment and success on river and loch.”

Bill had special thanks for the top instructors who give their time to ensuring that the renowned casting skills of Ness anglers are maintained.

“Senior club members taught Scott Mackenzie to cast when he came to the first of the clinics as an 11-year-old some 40 years ago. From there he went on to develop skills that brought him three world Speycasting championships. Frank Durdle and David Mateer have worked hard to hone their skills and qualify as top instructors. All three make an outstanding contribution to our club which is much appreciated.”

Thursday, 30 June 2022 09:45

Early catch for George

Salmon anglers know that an early start can deliver results. And so it proved for George Mackenzie this morning (Thursday). Fishing the Little Isle with a thunder and lightning bottle tube, George landed and released a magnificent fish of 14lbs — just the third salmon from Inverness Angling Club’s beats this season. Let’s hope this signals the start of the summer run.

Thursday, 30 June 2022 09:22

Australian visitor casts a line

While Inverness Angling Club welcomes visitors from many parts of the world each season, the last session of the Casting Clinics included a keen angler from Australia.

On a walk round the Ness Islands on Wednesday, Rod Evans from Orange, New South Wales, got chatting to club vice president Steve Watt as he fished the Little Isle. An invitation to the evening Casting Clinic followed and Rod enjoyed expert speycasting tuition from instructor David Mateer.

Next stops for Rod are Thurso and the Orkney Islands, then on to Mull to complete a comprehensive tour of Scotland. Haste ye back, Rod!

G’day: Rod Evans (centre) with club officials Bill Byers and Steve Watt (left)

and top instructors Scott Mackenzie, Frank Durdle and David Mateer.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022 13:28

Works restore Little Isle appeal

Contractors for The Highland Council are doing a splendid job restoring the appeal of the land area of the Little Isle Pool, considered by many to be the most attractive pool of the River Ness.

The area around the anglers’ hut was damaged by the construction of the ‘art wall’ and not corrected on completion of the works.

Steps for angler access to the river have been replaced and foundations have been laid for a tarred path leading to the anglers’ hut. The surrounding area has been expertly prepared for the laying of turf.

The works will make a massive difference to the area, restoring its environmental appeal for anglers and tourists and creating a much more attractive ‘Gathering Place’.


Restored: Steps for angler access

Prepared: Good soil ready for turf

Path: Ready for tar

Sunday, 26 June 2022 19:44

Jewels under threat

Another ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of the City of Inverness may be threatened by the inaction of The Highland Council. Many councillors and officials have used the phrase to reassure users and the general public of their commitment to the unique environment of the River Ness and the Ness Islands.

Instead, river banks remain uncut. An unpopular ‘artistic wall’ remains covered in bird droppings. And it is left to Inverness Angling Club to remove large quantities of unsightly rubbish from the lade running alongside the islands adjacent to Island Bank Road — an important nursery for young fish.

Now there are complaints from parents about the state of Whin Park, one of the city’s most popular playgrounds for children. The park is in a state of disrepair. Some playground equipment is not fit for use or has been removed, and the much-loved boats have disappeared from the pond.

The park is also important to anglers, giving access to major salmon pools on the river. The bridge linking the park and the rugby pitches, and leading to the salmon pools above the weir, has been closed as the council has deemed it unsafe.

The Highland Council has indicated that plans are being shaped to bring the park back up to scratch. A spokeswoman said: “The vision is to create a landmark natural play area at this location, making the site more inclusive with a higher play value.” Fine words indeed; let’s hope they lead to early action!

Thursday, 23 June 2022 12:33

Popular pensioner pitches a good line

Kenny ‘Shepherd’ MacKenzie was looking after his angling ‘flock’ at Inverness Angling Club’s Casting Clinic on Wednesday evening.

A club member for over 50 years, Kenny is approaching his 86th birthday. A leg problem means he rarely fishes, but his smiling face and enjoyable craic make him a welcome visitor to the river. His casting at the clinic showed he still has what it takes to be a successful speycaster.

Popular: Kenny at the Little Isle

Monday, 20 June 2022 17:55

Big band event for Bught

Ness anglers are advised that vehicular access to the Little Isle Pool will not be possible this Saturday (June 25) as Bught Road will be closed for Piping Inverness, a major event which is expected to attract thousands of visitors to the city.

The event includes the European Pipe Band Championships and Highland Dancing competitions, bringing 100 bands with over 3,000 pipers to the Bught Park.

Monday, 20 June 2022 13:34

Club seeks volunteers for Fair return

Following an enforced two-year break, the Highland Field Sports Fair returns in August, with a revamped identity. The Moy Country Fair will take place on Friday and Saturday, August 5 and 6, on its traditional site at Moy Hall, to the south of Inverness.

Inverness Angling Club will continue to run the popular Anglers Corner, presenting casting competitions, coaching and lots of good craic for anglers from all parts of the country.

The club committee is seeking volunteers for two to three hours from 6.30 pm on Wednesday, August 3, to set up facilities. Volunteers are also needed to help run Anglers Corner from 09.30 am on the Friday and Saturday.

Members who are able to assist in any way should add their names to the list in the hut at the Little Isle.

On the loch: Casting competiton and coaching at Anglers Corner

Friday, 10 June 2022 21:27

A place to sit?

The wall built at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness, supposedly in the name of art, has prompted lots of comments — not all of them positive. And it would seem that the local bird life is also expressing a fairly negative opinion.

The original artist’s impressions showed the wall as a place to sit and enjoy the river views. Few would choose to do that in its current state!

Art?: Perhaps the birds disagree

Friday, 03 June 2022 09:50

Guide to reporting red skin disease

Fishery and environmental organisations have taken steps to standardise clinical reporting of red skin disease (RSD) in salmon.

With the help of NDSFB river director Brian Shaw, IAC interim secretary James Emery has placed copies of the guide (Red Skin Disease in wild Atlantic salmon — a severity field guide) in club huts.

The guide will support ongoing monitoring of RSD across salmon rivers. It will also serve to distinguish this emerging condition from other, frequently observed skin lesions in migratory salmonids.

Wednesday, 01 June 2022 22:35

Clinics develop casting skills

Anglers gathered at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness on Wednesday evening to learn or refine casting skills for salmon and trout at Casting Clinics staged by Inverness Angling Club.

Enthusiastic junior and senior anglers made significant progress in developing their skills under the tutelage of instructors Frank Durdle and David Mateer, and club coaches.

The series of clinics continues each Wednesday evening in June. All are welcome and tackle will be provided.

Starting young: James and Alexander build thier trout casting skills

On the river: Seniors learn Speycasting techniques

Tuesday, 31 May 2022 17:02

Welcome return for Casting Clinics

Inverness Angling Club will relaunch its popular Casting Clinics at the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness on Wednesday (June 1) after a Covid-enforced break of two years.

Top casters, including three times world Speycasting champion Scott Mackenzie, will introduce novices to casting techniques and help experienced anglers to develop their skills. He will be supported by leading instructors Frank Durdle and David Mateer, and club coaches.

The clinics, including trout casting on the adjacent Bught Park, will run from 7 to 9 pm each Wednesday — June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. Tackle can be provided.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022 17:32

Closing date for Conon

This Friday (May 27) is the last chance to submit the names of junior club members for the guided days fishing on the Coul beats of the River Conon. It is also the last day for senior members to purchase raffle tickets to get a chance to fish the beats.

Junior nominations should be submitted to treasurer John Ralph, who also holds the remaining raffle tickets for the events. He can be contacted on 07702 889841 or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monday, 23 May 2022 19:15

Take care of your boat

Members of Inverness Angling Club are fortunate to have access to the renowned trout fishings of Loch Ruthven. Use of the club boat is now restricted to members and free to use.

Along with that, however, comes the responsibility of individual members to take care of the club’s resource. The stern anchor, which has been broken, will be replaced soon. Meanwhile, the boat is securely held by the prow anchor.

The club requests that all users should leave the boat and its oars secured as they find it. If they find anything damaged or untoward, they should take photos before taking it out and advise James Emery on 07798 922140 or Grahams when finished fishing. If serious, they should phone immediately.

Friday, 20 May 2022 14:53

Works party this Sunday

Following last Sunday’s bank works party another is planned for this Sunday (May 22). Volunteers should text their contact details to secretary James Emery (07798 922140) and meet at the Little Isle Hut at 0945.

Members are reminded that all bank works must be approved by the bank maintenance committee. This is particularly relevant for trees; anything more than 75mm diameter and 1.75 metres in height should not be cut. In some cases such works could require the committee to seek the approval of The Highland Council.

Friday, 20 May 2022 14:52

Willing to help?

Inverness Angling Club has formed a bank management sub-committee to take care of the annual works necessary to keep the banks of the club’s River Ness beats clean and tidy.

Steve Watt, James Emery, Chris Bruce and Donnie Allan lead the team but additional volunteers will be welcome throughout the season. If you are willing to help, text your details to James Emery at 07798 922140.

If there is a structural engineer within the club membership, we are looking for their specialist help to assess the state of the car park by the Mill Stream, behind Holm Mills Shopping Centre.

The park — formed by a platform over a lade which used to drive looms — is currently closed for safety reasons. The club is anxious to assess whether the crumbling surface can be repaired to allow it to be reopened to members.

Thursday, 19 May 2022 13:06

Council moves to control isle parking

Parking problems at the anglers’ car park by the Little Isle Pool of the River Ness may be on the way to being resolved.

Interim club president Bill Byers recently intervened to stop the marking of two bays for motorhomes, which The Highland Council has confirmed was not its intention. Council officers have also confirmed that once they secure a Traffic Regulation Order motorhomes will be banned from parking in the Little Isle car park.

The council plans to introduce a park and pay machine at the Little Isle, but there will be no charge for anglers. Club members who use the Little Isle will be able to apply for a special car window sticker which will confirm their status to wardens.

Home from home?: Hopefully, not for much longer

Wednesday, 18 May 2022 13:54

Grilse for Davey

An Ally’s Shrimp attracted the first fresh fish of the season for Davey Dyce today at the Little Isle. The grilse, weighing an estimated two pounds, was safely released. It was the second fish of the season from Inverness Angling Club’s beats but, hopefully, a sign that more will arrive soon.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022 20:19

Isle bank works begin

Improvements to the area of the Little Isle have taken a wee step forward. Contractors for The Highland Council have replaced benches and the rod rest removed when work began on the construction of the ‘infamous’ wall.

The council is also committed to tidying up the wider area around the angler’s hut, which still resembles a building site. A start is awaited.

Restored: Club benches and rod rack at the Little Isle

Monday, 16 May 2022 19:37

Too good to miss!

There’s still a chance for Inverness Angling Club members to take advantage of a special offer from the Coul Fishings of the River Conon.

Seniors purchasing £20 raffle tickets could win the chance to fish the top beats of the Coul water. The dates on the tickets will offer fishing for four rods on July 4, 5 and 6 and another four rods on July 7, 8 and 9. IAC’s John Ralph will hold four books of five raffle tickets for sale while six five ticket books will be available through Grahams tackle shop.

The Coul Fishings are also giving junior members of angling clubs the chance to fish this excellent salmon water. Clubs, including IAC, are being invited to nominate junior members to fish on August 22, 23 and 24.

Monday, 02 May 2022 14:10

Take your litter home!

Litter anywhere is offensive but when it affects the beauty of our riversides and presents dangers to wildlife it is simply unacceptable. Litter left by careless anglers can be especially dangerous, causing the entanglement and death of birds and animals.

Long lengths of nylon line was collected from the right bank of the Weir Pool recently, together with empty cans and plastic bottles discarded under the seat and into the lade behind. Similar littering is often found at other points along the riverside.

Inverness Angling Club appeals to all members and visitors: Please — Take pride in your river and take your litter home!


A beautiful river: Let's keep it that way

Tuesday, 26 April 2022 17:17

Club to relaunch Casting Clinics

Covid put paid to Inverness Angling Club’s dedication to helping young and not so young to develop their casting techniques. But the time for passing on casting skills is set to return.

The club plans to relaunch its popular Casting Clinics in June — staging them at the Little Isle Pool and the adjacent Bught Park from 7 to 9pm each Wednesday (June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29). Any further details will be confirmed during May.

International champion casters and qualified coaches will pass on their skills — speycasting on the river and trout casting on the park. All equipment will be provided, courtesy of top manufacturers LOOP and other kind donors.

All are welcome — club membership is not required. But we hope that anyone getting to grips with casting will want to continue and join us. Free membership is available to young folk of 17 and under. They can collect their permits from Graham and Company in Castle Street. The web site holds application forms for 18 and over.

Tuesday, 26 April 2022 16:41

Care for your catch

As the importance of conserving our stocks of migratory fish like salmon and sea trout grows, Inverness Angling Club is asking all members and visitors to its water to handle fish with the greatest of care.

The club understands the enthusiasm of anglers to take pictures of their catch, but they should take the greatest care of the fish in doing so. Fish should be kept in the water, preferably in a net and not lying on gravel, while hooks are carefully released.

That’s when the snap can be taken by a fellow angler or by the successful fisher. All fish to be released should be treated this way, giving salmon and sea trout — fresh and kelts — the best chance to run the river, spawn and return to the sea, perhaps to make further spawning runs.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022 18:05

Feisty start for new member

A new member of Inverness Angling Club had a bit of excitement on the MacIntyre Pool of the River Ness this morning. Arran Cameron hooked and landed a feisty fish which came to a black and yellow tube fly. Unfortunately for Arran, the fish was a well mended kelt sea trout making its way back to the sea. It was safely released.

Tuesday, 19 April 2022 13:48

Angling loses a gentle man

It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of Tom Anderson, at the age of 92. A real ‘gentleman of the river’, Tom was devoted to angling and to the River Ness.

While recent ill health curtailed his visits to the river, he graced its banks for decades, landing many salmon and, in his quiet way, developing close friendships with many fellow fishers.

Tom will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Inverness Angling Club sends its sincere condolences to his wife, Joyce, and family. His funeral service will be held in the funeral home of John Fraser & Son, Chapel Street, Inverness, at 9.30 am on Thursday, April 28.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022 14:22

First of the year!

It was the catch of the day for long term Inverness Angling Club member Donnie Urquhart today (April 13) — and the first salmon of the year from the club water.

Fishing the Weir Pool with a Devon minnow, Donnie had a half hour battle with a fish estimated at 16 to 18 pounds. it was landed under the Holm bridge with the help of fellow club member Malcolm (Maz) Stephen and duly released.

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Inverness Angling Club

Ness Walk

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