Items filtered by date: December 2020

Seasonal message

Inverness Angling Club president Alex Elliott sends his best wishes to all club members and their families for Christmas and the New Year.

“It has been a very difficult year in which Covid-19 has had a serious impact on individuals and families. But I hope that members, their families and friends - even with current restrictions - can enjoy a happy Christmas Day and look forward to a new year in which things will take a turn for the better. Stay safe!”

Membership arrangements

The move to Level Four Covid restrictions will mean that the tackle shop of Grahams of Inverness will be closed from Boxing Day for three weeks, or until the Scottish Government determines otherwise.

Consequently, the shop will be unable to fulfil its role as a key point for the distribution of Inverness Angling Club’s membership cards and permits. Meantime, all anglers seeking to renew or apply for membership for the 2021 season should do so through membership secretary John Ralph, Ailigean, 98 Fairfield Road Inverness IV3 5LL Tel: 01463 718010 Mob:07702889841 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please don't call after 8 pm.

Any change to these arrangements will be posted to the web site. In these difficult times, the club sends its best wishes to all members for the most enjoyable Christmas that restrictions allow, and look forward to a year free from Covid concerns.

Ness permits now on sale

Membership cards for Inverness Angling Club are now available from Graham’s tackle shop in Castle Street, offering ideal Christmas presents for avid anglers. And discounted prices for fishing time lost as a result of Covid restraints make the permits particularly good bargains.

Discounts apply to those who held membership during 2020. Prices are: Adult (including ladies) and associate £100, Concession £50, Intermediate (ages 18 to 20 inclusive) £35. Junior permits (17 and under) are free and can be collected from the tackle shop.

The special entry rate for anglers who have not been members within the previous five years will continue at £100. Anglers with broken membership in the last five years must pay £150 to renew. Application forms for submission to membership secretary John Ralph can be downloaded from the web site at Fishing/Permits/River Ness permits.


Inverness Angling Club

Ness Walk

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