Fly patterns
A good bunch of flies
Here is something different from well-known Inverness angler and fly tyer, Graham MacKenzie - a Bunch of Bananas. It is Graham’s take on the Swedish pattern developed by Mikael Andersson. The fly has featured in the Trout & Salmon column of Ross Macdonald, another well known tyer who hails from Inverness.
The fly in the foreground of the picture is the actual fly that accounted for two springers for Graham before the Covid-19 lockdown.
A Bunch of Bananas
Tyer: Graham MacKenzie
Dressing: Hook or tube
Body: Globrite No 9 fluo yellow floss, cover with large flat mirage opal tinsel, tie off with the floss.
Rib: Gold wire or a coat of Hard As Nails varnish leaving room for wings and hackles. When dry catch in yellow tying thread. Wing One: Yellow Arctic Fox about the length of body with four strands of flash over
First hackle: Three turns ‘soft’ yellow cock feather wound on
Wing Two: Burnt or dirty yellow Racoon hair or yellow buck tail (the darker stuff from the front of the tail). Tie in longer than wing one with two strands of flash over
Second hackle: Three turns golden olive "soft" cock feather wound on
Eyes: Jungle cock if you wish
Head: Clear varnish over yellow tying thread. Add a gold cone if tying a tube for spring and high water fishing.
A tasty bunch!
Pigs that fly!
The development of the Pot Belly Pig is attributed to Peter Whittingham when he worked as a ghillie on the Ness Castle Beat of the River Ness. And it has proved itself over many years. Peter gave Mick Fenion a couple of the flies at the Little Isle one night and this is Mick's version of the fly.
Pot Belly Pig
Tyer: Mick Fenion
Tube: Half inch brass
Thread: Brown
Tag: Oval silver
Tail: Boar bristle feelers, polar bear underfur and two strips gold Krystal Flash
Cloaking: Red cock at rear
Body: Mix of orange and brown dubbing with a bit of glister
Rib: Oval silver
Hackle: Red cock
The pig performs
Takes two to tango!
Another tying of the Kinermony Killer has come in from Jamie Urquhart, a committed salmon angler and enthusiastic member of the fly tying fraternity. His development of his tying skills at the close season Cascade Fly Tying group is exemplified by this tying of Jock Royan’s invention.
A superb tying of a challenging fly
A challenging pattern
Accomplished fly tyer Jimmy Stewart continues the ‘lockdown’ series of patterns with the Kinermony Killer - a colourful pattern designed by Jock Royan, a ghillie on the Kinermony beat of the River Spey. It’s a challenging fly to tie but it has a solid reputation for catching fish on many rivers.
Kinermony Killer
Tyer: Jimmy Stewart
Hook: Salar double
Thread: Red
Tag: Small oval silver
Tail: Orange and yellow buck tail mixed
Rib: Oval silver
Body: Holographic silver half way
Mid hackle: Yellow cock hackle
Body: Black floss with silver rib
Head hackle: Hot orange with two strands of pearl crystal hair
Wing: Black with blue hackle over
Cheeks: Jungle cock
Head: Two or three turns of crystal hair tied in with red tying silk
A colourful challenge
A fly is born
In normal circumstances, Chris Bruce puts in the time on the club water and gets his fair share of fish. His development of the Paintbrush Fly has brought considerable success, including a Findhorn springer of 42 inches in April of 2014.
Chris named the fly with the help of Mike Campbell. After showing him the fly, which had just caught two fish, Mike said: “I’m off to B&Q to buy some paint brushes.” And so the Paintbrush Fly was born.
The Paintbrush Fly
Tyer: Chris Bruce
Tube: Plastic 1- 1.1/2 inch
Body: Large opal mirage tinsel (varnish for longevity)
Wing: Orange and black Arctic fox tail (strip out short hair) and add some crystal flash
Hackle: Fluorescent orange Chinese cock neck
Head: Orange conehead (suggest brass but weight to tyer’s preference Tubing: Black silicon
Tying tip: Best tied as big as possible
The Paintbrush
A fly for every box
Most anglers have favourite flies which have been tried and tested over many years, and delivered fish at different times of the season. The Fiery Ally is one of Mike Campbell’s favourites for grilse, using materials in fluorescent red colourings he has developed and dyed over the years. The fly, says Mike, has brought him many grilse over many seasons.
The Fiery Ally
Tyer: Mike Campbell
Tag: Silver wire
Tail: Fiery red racoon hair
Body: Flat silver tinsel
Rib: Medium silver oval tinsel
Wing: Small amount grey squirrel top and bottom with fiery red GP tippet over
Hackle: Fiery red badger
Tying tip: Keep this fly very lightly dressed
A Campbell special
Covid19 - A fly for life
John Sutherland, son of famed Helmsdale ghillie Johnny ‘Hardy’ Sutherland, is a regular visitor to the Sutherland village from work, home and family in Asia. But on this occasion he was caught out by the cancellation of travel and could not make the return flight. To fill in the time he has been tying salmon flies, passing the 400 mark which, he says, should see him through a few seasons.
Like many he had thought about the tragic consequences Covid19 is having on people in all walks of life and asked: “What small part could I, or we, play in funding the NHS or any other worthwhile charitable organisation which is currently struggling?” That’s where the idea of the Covid19 fund raising fly came from.
The pattern is associated with nature’s colouring - yellow for hope, orange for enthusiasm, red for blood, green for growth and new beginnings after Covid19, pink for femininity and mother earth, purple for ambition for the future, black for death, gold for prosperity and wealth (good health being wealth) and silver for creativity.
John explains: “Ideally, I'll initially tie these flies to cater for any local demand. Thereafter, it would be good if angling shops have their suppliers tie these in bulk and have flies sitting at check out areas of their shops, clearly visible as promoting a good cause, and in online shopping sites. Cost per fly would be decided by each business. For those supplied by me I'd suggest a donation of £5 per fly. The most popularly requested charity would to be funded through this initiative.”
John can be contacted by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Support for those in need
A fly that glows
Gary Goddard, the first contributor to the ‘lockdown series’, submits another fly which looks like it will do the business on any river. Says Gary: “This is another freshly tied pattern that will hopefully be christened in the River Ness in the not too distant future.” All Ness anglers will support that!
Golden Glow Living Shrimp
Tyer: Gary Goddard
Tail: Golden orange dyed bucktail, plus four strands orange Krystal Flash
Body: Rear half - gold Mylar or flat tinsel. Front half - well blended yellow and orange SLF hank
Rib: Fine oval silver tinsel
Wing: Well blended yellow and orange Squirrel tail plus 4 - 6 strands orange Krystal Flash
Front hackle: Rich deep orange hen
Cheeks: Jungle Cock
Head: Red
Ready for Ness action
Deadly for trout
The ‘lockdown series’ continues with a pair of Diawl Bach’s from David Mateer. “I’ve had great success with these over the years, both locally and elsewhere in the UK,” reports David.
“These competition Diawl's can be fished as part of a team on a floating, sink tip or intermediate line. They are also deadly on a washing line set up using a blob with a foam tail (FAB) or booby to hold them up. Static or a very slow figure of eight retrieve is best.”
Diawl Bach
Tyer: David Mateer
Red Head
Hook: Kamasan B175 10 or 12
Thread: Red
Tail: Red game
Body: Natural peacock herl
Rib: Medium red holographic
Beard: Red game
Head: Clear varnish over red thread.
Chartreuse Head
Hook, tail, body and beard hackle same as above
Thread: Chartreuse
Rib: Medium mirage tinsel
Head: Clear varnish over chartreuse thread
A pair of beauties
Tying triumph
Elgin-based fly tyer Sandy Howie has sent in two versions of one of the best-known, locally-developed salmon flies - the Black Shrimp, devised and fished very successfully by John Cathcart. The first fly is as John tied it; the second is Sandy’s take on the original dressing.
The Black Shrimp
Tyer: Sandy Howie
Hook: Black nickel Patriot size 6
Thread: Semperfli nano silk 12/0
Tag: Oval silver 4 turns
Tail hackle: Ring necked pheasant rump feather dyed black, wound and sloping rearward. A small pinch of black ice angel hair tied in slightly longer than hackle feather
Rear body: Globrite no 9 yellow floss and silver oval rib
Middle hackle: Yellow cock
Front body: Black floss with silver oval rib
Head hackle: 2 turns orange cock followed by two jungle cock eyes and finally front hackle 2 turns black
Head: Black
Sandy's tying of the original dressing.....
.....And his version of the fly