Fly patterns
Splendid specimen
Along with the Hairy Mary, the Garry Dog stands as one of the earliest hair wing salmon flies, developed from a Victorian feather wing version. And like the Hairy Mary it is still a popular and successful fly today, especially in the early part of the season. Jimmy Stewart, an experienced IAC member and fly tyer, has submitted this splendid specimen to add another historic fly to the lockdown series.
Garry Dog
Tyer: Jimmy Stewart
Hook: 8-10 single or double
Tag: Oval silver
Butt: Yellow floss
Tail: Golden pheasant crest
Body: Black floss
Rib: Oval silver
Throat: Blue Guinea fowl
Wing: Yellow buck tail over red buck tail
Thread: Red
A fly for every box
Flies for the north
The village water of the River Helmsdale is an attractive trip for Ness anglers. A highly productive river, it needs a different set of skills. It is where locals practise the art of dibbling - fishing a two fly cast and lifting the rod to make the bob fly stream across the pool. The method can be visual, exciting and deadly.Recommended tube flies, which don’t need names, incorporate the following choices of dressings:
Helmsdale tubes
Tyer: Alex Elliott
Tubes: 1/2 to 3/4 inch
Thread: Red or black according to pattern
Tag: Oval gold or silver wire
Body: Red floss or holographic tinsel of choice
Rib: Oval or silver gold wire
Wing: Stripped hen hackle of choice or black buck tail
Head: Red or black
Light dressings are the norm but adding a cone head can be useful in high to moderate water.
Tiny tots
A powerful fly
Club president Alex Elliott submits a successful fly with a curious history, first tied about 12 years ago on August 4. Says Alex: “Being a true romantic, I tied a fly using the colours of Eileen’s birth stone. The truth is, I forgot her birthday! I named it the Eileen Killer but, in a chat with Alan Scott at the Mill Stream soon after, he suggested naming it the Elliott Ness after the famed TV crook catcher. And the name stuck.
“Eileen and I were having a fish supper by the Little Isle one night when John Anderson, the insurance man, appeared. He told me he hadn’t had a salmon for four years so I said I would give him a fly that was sure to get him a fish. He tied on the Elliott Ness and hadn't been in the river five minutes when he got into a salmon. To say he was chuffed would be an understatement!”
It is interesting to note that the August birthstone Peridot, with its signature lime green colour, is believed to instill power and influence in the wearer.
The Elliott Ness
Tyer: Alex Elliott
Tail: Yellow and green buck tail with two strands green/yellow Krystal Flsh
Body: Gold flat tinsel
Rib: Oval gold tinsel
Wing: Black squirrel tail
Rear hackle: Two turns yellow cock with two turns green cock over
Head: Black
A fly is born
Attractive tube
Next from the Stronach family is a Willie Gunn variant chosen by Gordon.
Willie Gunn (variant)
Tyer: Gordon Stronach
Tube: 22mm aluminium tube
Thread: Red Semperfly
Body: Gold holographic tinsel
Rib: Fine copper wire
Hackle: Yellow cock
Wing: Black buck tail, two strands gold Krystal Flash, black squirrel tail over
Eyes: Jungle cock
Head: Red or clear varnish
A tidy fly
A busy bee
The Stronach family are committed supporters of Inverness Angling Club and angling in general. And all four - Tracy, husband Stephen, daughter Cheyenne and son Gordon - attended the fly tying group meetings over the close season, building skills that they've used to good effect. Tracy's choice for the lockdown series is an interesting combination which she has named after her Dad who is, she says, "a bee Mannie. Tie on and fish with a smile!"
The 'Billy Bee'
Tyer: Tracy Stronach
Hook: Ahrex size 8 Black nickel finish
Thread: Semperfli nano black
Tail: Red feather fibres
Body: Black mini fritz, yellow mini fritz, black mini fritz
Wings: Jim's Wings - Daddy
Hackle: Two turns of black hen or cock
Head: Finish and vanish with Sally Hansen or UV bug bond
Eyes: Gold Pebeo
Fly with a buzz
Subtle differences
Ian Woolley contributes a couple of flies which show the subtle differences between regional patterns - another version of the Black Shrimp and an Irish fly, the Bann Shrimp. The dressing for this version of the Black Shrimp is close to the original, with the addition of black feelers. The dyed red Guinea fowl and badger hackle are interesting additions in the Bann Shrimp. Both look likely lures for salmon.
The Bann Shrimp
Tyer: Ian Woolley
Tag: Silver oval tinsel
Tail: Dyed red Guinea fowl feather (substitute for dyed red GP rump feather)
Body: Rear half bright yellow floss, front half black floss
Mid hackle: Orange
Rib: Silver oval tinsel
Front hackle: Badger
The Bann Shrimp
A variation of the Black Shrimp
A first for Graham
Club member Graham Ross has tied an Ally's Shrimp ss his contribution to the 'lockdown' series. The fly has a great record, just like the Cascade - also invented by Ally Gowans of Pitlochry.
Graham developed his fly tying skills at the club fly tying group. But it is the first time he has tied this particular fly, following a step-by-step guide received during his visits to the class.
Ally's Shrimp
Tyer: Graham Ross
Thread: Red
Tail: Small bunch of hot orange buck tail
Rib: Oval silver tinsel
Body: Rear half red floss, front half black floss
Underwing: Natural grey squirrel tail
Overwing: Golden pheasant tippets
Beard hackle: Natural grey squirrel tail
Hackle: Long hot orange cock
Head: Red varnish
A good first tie
Historic fly
The Hairy Mary has taken a productive place in the fly boxes of most anglers, and continues to do so. Some reports claim it originated on the River Dee but most attribute its design to Inverness tackle dealer and IAC member Johnny Reidpath in the 1950s.
It’s a significant fly, the first of the modern hair wing flies. In a real sense, it changed the face of fly tying, marking the move from complex flies of mainly feather construction. Material was more widely available and less expensive. Simpler techniques made it possible for more anglers to tie their own flies.
The late John Cathcart fell heir to a box of Hairy Mary’s tied by Reidpath in the early 1960s. After John died, his widow Anna passed them to your scribe. The picture below shows that the fly was still in development, some replacing the traditional brown wing with black and the blue hackle with orange. The dressing here is the traditional pattern.
The Hairy Mary
Tyer: Johnny Reidpath
Tag: Oval gold tinsel
Tail: Yellow hackle fibres or GP topping
Rib: Oval gold tinsel
Body: Black floss
Throat hackle: Mid blue cock
Wing: Barred brown squirrel or fine brown buck tail
Head: Black
The Reidpath heritage
The Frances
As one of the most experienced anglers in Inverness Angling Club, and with a background in professional fly tying, Mike Campbell knows a thing or two about flies and what works. His choice for the 'lockdown' series is the Frances which he describes as a great low water fly on the River Ness. His tip is to add a bit of weight, with lead or tungsten being his favourites.
The Frances
Tyer: Mike Campbell
Feelers: Four centre hackles (spines), two brown, two white
Tail: Brown calf tail or pheasant tail feathers
Rear body: Red wool
Centre hackle: Brown
Front body: Red wool
Rib: Medium gold oval tinsel
Head: Red
A trusty fly
The Chartreuse Cascade
Sandy Howie has been tying flies for many years, recently creating his own hobby business of ASH Handtied Flies. He has fished all over the North of Scotland, in the Western Isles and is currently vice chair of the River Spey Anglers Association. He enjoys passing on his skills to both experienced and new tyers at various events.
He submits, for our lockdown fly feature, the Chartreuse Cascade, explaining: “I was playing with colours one night and knew that chartreuse was a popular colour for salmon so replaced the orange on the standard Cascade with it. The fly can be fished in clear water but also when there is a touch of colour in it. The fly actually took a fish on its first outing, on the River Ewe. Just before lunch I had a few quick casts in the Lower Narrows. After three casts I hooked into a fresh summer salmon of 17lbs on the fly.“
The Chartreuse Cascade
Tyer: Sandy Howie
Hook: Patriot Silver any size
Thread: Optional. I use Semperfli Nano silk 12/0
Tag and Rib: Oval silver matching hook size
Tail: Mix of sunburst yellow and chartreuse bucktail tied long with three strands of pearl Krinkle Flash on top
Body: Mirage tinsel in two layers. Once body applied and rib secured apply a coat if clear varnish or superglue to strengthen
Wing: Black hair. I use squirrel
Hackle: Two turns of Chartreuse saddle with two turns of Sunburst yellow in front
Head: Black
Sandy's catcher